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Music that's universally loved .. is there any?


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rizla mission
10:33 / 27.06.02
Given the shocking discovery that the Talking Heads are far from universally loved, and the oft-stated idea that there's NOTHING the whole of Barbelith can ever agree on, I throw down a challenge:

Anyone who has an active dislike of James Brown or The Pixies, please make yourselves known. (Simply being ambivalent/ignorant doesn't count, it has to be actual dislike).

Any other suggestions?
Eloi Tsabaoth
10:38 / 27.06.02
Cole Porter!
The Return Of Rothkoid
11:21 / 27.06.02
Hm. Can't comment on James Brown. Some is good. A lot is shit. And he's a real bastard.

And The Pixies? Save "Wave Of Mutilation", I really can't be arsed.

Cole Porter, though: yowza!

I'd say that there's something in Mozart's output for everyone, though. Fact.
Grey Area
12:30 / 27.06.02
I do not like James Brown and The Pixies.

There, plain and simple.

Oh, and Rizla, your mix CD found a watery grave along with other stuff I was going to computer's going to be hooked up again tonight (knock on wood with crossed ringers clutching a four-leafed clover) so I can burn a new copy.
The Natural Way
14:07 / 27.06.02
Aaaah, but you didn't answer the man's question. He asked: does anyone have an ACTIVE dislike. "Do not like" could mean anything..... Riz wants to hear hatred....or at least reasons why they're crap.
14:46 / 27.06.02
oh, come on.

We can't go on pretending that people don't like Clannad. And Enya.

Everyone does.
Jack Fear
15:06 / 27.06.02
Actually, I do like early Clannad.

You know.

Before they went pop and sold out.
15:31 / 27.06.02
Fatbeard. Elitist fatbeard.

I like their more accessible, later stuff, like "Slain by Elf", "Kiss My Glamdring" and "Let's Go Hunt Some Orc!"

Clannad will forever be remembered on these isles as the sackbutt-punishing shitters behind "roooooobbbbbinnnnn.......thehoodedman".
15:35 / 27.06.02
Ahem - the above post is much less abusive than it sounds, but I accidentally sent it too soon. Apologies - it has been edited.
Jack Fear
16:05 / 27.06.02
Actually, Haus, I have recently grown my beard back, and I'm still on the heavy side. No harm, no foul.

Honestly, though, I'm only half-kidding: have you heard Clannad's early stuff? Before they started using synthesizers?
rizla mission
16:52 / 27.06.02

I do not like James Brown and The Pixies.

And I'm none too keen on Cole Porter.

So that's that theory buggered then..


Oh, and Rizla, your mix CD found a watery grave along with other stuff I was going to computer's going to be hooked up again tonight (knock on wood with crossed ringers clutching a four-leafed clover) so I can burn a new copy.

Oh, er, that's cool.
17:22 / 27.06.02
Clannad, when they used to do the whole Gaelic folk thaang, made very lovely music, not at all synth. wank... 'proper', it was.
19:02 / 27.06.02
I offer up to the lions two very different groups:

Galaxy 500 and the Rolling Stones
Billy Corgan
21:45 / 27.06.02
I know that most of you have not been priveleged enough to sample the studio recordings of my new band Zwan, but I can guarantee you that they will go on to become the most universally beloved mathrock epics of the 21st century. Mark my words.
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:55 / 27.06.02
The Rolling Stones get on my tits. Keef is the only redeemable feature of the band, and his worthwhile nature seems to come from his seeming invincibility from smack-related death and his high-fu ability to cop blues riffs from long-dead players.

Of course, occasionally they work. But ain't no way they're universally loved...

Galaxie 500 - ehhhh. Damon and Naomi, however: w00t.

Mozart still looks to be in the lead at this point.
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:05 / 27.06.02
Pulp? Surely nobody hates Pulp...
22:28 / 27.06.02
Hey Roth, don't write off Charlie Watts in yer assesment of the Stones. Love the guy, not that he's a great drummer or anything. But he and Bun E Carlos (Cheap Tricks' drummer) can be put into that all-too small category of People Who Are So Cool They Don't Even Know Where They Are.

P.w.a.s.c.t.d.e.k.w.t.a for short.
Murray Hamhandler
00:25 / 28.06.02
Pixies was the band that I actually thought of after I saw the thread title but before I opened the thread, but it appears that I stand corrected. And I actually think Steve Albini slammed them, as well.

Maybe R.E.M.? Even if you only liked one phase of their career, I think there's something there that most people would enjoy.
01:47 / 28.06.02
I've never met anyone who actively hates The Beatles. Disinterested maybe, but not actually hostile toward them. Perhaps I'm not looking hard enough...?
Murray Hamhandler
02:03 / 28.06.02
Ooooh, I have. And they aren't a pretty sight.
02:14 / 28.06.02
I've met people who don't like the Beatles, though i wouldn't care to do so again.

I also know people who don't like the Pixies or Pulp, and i myself don't see what's so great about the Stones.

artists i don't believe i have ever met anyone who dislikes are- the Kinks, Minor Threat and Chuck Berry, bit i'm sure they'll all be quickly shot down.
Boy in a Suitcase
04:40 / 28.06.02
I didn't realize that there were people who didn't like the Beatles until I was 19, when I met one. That was a dark day indeed, I really actually felt this kind of twinge of pain for this person because they were so cynical that they actually didn't like the Beatles. Ahh, pain, pain, pain.
Perfect Tommy
05:27 / 28.06.02
I like later Beatles a lot, but when I first heard the early Beatles hits I thought, "Man, these guys are totally ripping off the Monkees."
rizla mission
09:05 / 28.06.02
I offered my housemate £20 for his "I HATE OASIS AND I HATE THE BEATLES" T-shirt. He preferred to keep it. The only post-Help Beatles songs I can stomach are the ones Ringo wrote.

And I just don't dig classical music at all. I'm sure I'll grow into it when I'm older, but for the moment it means nothing, is ridiculously overblown and goves me a headache. So no Mozart for me thanks.

The Beach Boys still look like contenders, as (grudgingly) do R.E.M. I suppose .. I mean, while I loath their recent output and current position in the music world, even I can't deny a great liking for their early stuff..
No star here laces
09:53 / 28.06.02
Trying to name an artist that everyone likes is futile - they come with too much baggage. YOu might be able to find a song though...

Al Green - "Tired of being alone"

You HAVE to like that if you're human.
Matthew Fluxington
10:01 / 28.06.02
Okay, I've been biting my tongue about this for a couple days, but I'm in a miserable enough mood right now to just come out with it - this thread could be one of the dumbest to ever be in this forum. The basic concept is just so fucked, there's never going to be any sort of consensus, nor should there be. All this thread is doing is revealing some very naive ideas about music, and more than that, individual biases and prejudices. This thread has nowhere to go, and it is damn near intellectually bankrupt. Can we give this a rest, please?
No star here laces
13:11 / 28.06.02

Y'know what, Flux, I think most people realise that - s kind of lighthearted in tone, no?
gentleman loser
14:27 / 28.06.02
There is no universally loved music. That's a myth.

Storm of Blue:

I've never met anyone who actively hates The Beatles. . .

Now you have. I loathe the Beatles; John Lennon doubly so.

There's no question that it is a generational thing.

You will tend to love what you grew up listening to.

My mom worships Elvis, even when he was in his fat bloated pill popping dead on a toilet stage.

Boomers love the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Greatful Dead, etc.

70's dope/acidheads will always worship Led Zep and Pink Floyd.

80's metalhead burnouts will always love Metallica.

No doubt they'll be a Church of Britney in another couple of decades.

I'm talking in generalities of course. Your millage may vary.

Like what you like. Hate what you hate. No big deal.

Personally, no one will ever get me to hate Pixies, Jimi, Talking Heads, ZZ Top, hell, even K.C. and the Sunshine Band, who have a number of catchy tunes. I say this without shame or fear of rejection from the music tastemaker wannabes.
The Natural Way
14:32 / 28.06.02
Another reason why Jack Fear (the hooded man) is the coolest person on Barbelith:

"Actually, I do like early Clannad."

Wow, I've never seen anyone give the board the Clannad-finger.
rizla mission
15:54 / 28.06.02
Gee, sorry Flux, as pointed out, this is s'posed to be a fairly insubstantial topic.. I'm talking a pub rather than university level of debate here. All you say is true, but I'm just anticipating some gentle fun as person A says "surely everyone loves band X" and person B says "band X are a load of shite" and person A says "but how can you not love band X? it's like hating sunshine and sweet little animals.." and so forth. And maybe the game will cease when someone throws out a name, and no one will dare utter a word against it, and we'll have reached a conclusion!
16:03 / 28.06.02
"80's metalhead burnouts will always love Metallica."

Not true. You can't have Metallica without the metal. I call them "Lica" now.
Jack Fear
16:09 / 28.06.02

I'm all about the vox on "Mhaire Bruineall," me.

And the bass solo on "Nil Se'n La"! Christ a'mighty, there's a Mingus among-us!

I could go on and on. I won't.
Grey Area
16:13 / 28.06.02
Everyone despises Scooter, the band that redefined how bad commercial techno could be (if you don't know who Scooter are, you are a very lucky person indeed).
18:14 / 28.06.02
surely, everyone like Kid Creole and the Coconuts, right?
Cop Killer
22:45 / 28.06.02
I don't think the Beach Boys should be a contender, they fucking blow, I don't care what anyone says about Pet Sounds, it fucking sucks...a lot; I know it's influential and all, but I hate that band. The only thing I can think that would come close to be universally unhated (which is what the thread is really about) is Little Richard, even Lyra gave the man props, and I don't think he likes rock'n'roll at all. He's a gay black man who wore lots of makeup, I don't see what not to like (or at least not hate).

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