Upon ingestion of the rune I see a bright arrow of firey energy swooping off into the darkness.
I get the impression of motivation, direction and destiny. (Spear of Destiny?) This seems to conflict with Freya's reading of this rune which invokes justice, but maybe both apply. The TRUE PATH.
When one is lost on the path and all seems to working against one, then justice is called upon. This justice denotes the merits and worth of ones actions, investment of unfaltering selflessness, awareness and compassion, innocence. This often occurs in official decision making, red tape, legal action and court cases. It is the thought of justice that motivates one to continue through the darkest night.
In my personal experience I had a brush with impersonal decision making, that upset me and left me cold in the way that I became aware of it. I decided to write a letter to display how the decision made me feel, especially without consultation and decided to revoke my professional involvement. I asked a friend with involvement with the decision makers to check it over. He understood my position, but said I should hold off on this action, my own form of justice. I agreed. This week past I have had contact from them with regards new positive and beneficial opportunities. I felt that I had had justice, not only for the err, but also the energy I had put into the work the decision was made upon.
I trust my DNA to generate direction and justice on my path. |