Well, the fourth through sixth issues of the third volume of The Adventures of Barry Ween, Boy Genius are out in trade paperback--finally! I picked up my copy of this morning and devoured it right away.
For those of you not in the know, Barry Ween is the smartest person on the planet, and he's only ten. He estimates his IQ at 350 (and rising). According to my calculations, at the rate my intelligence is increasing, I should be clinically insane by the time I'm twenty-one...
Barry Ween is just about the funniest comic I've come across in years. The dialog is just plain hilarious. In the first volume, Barry manages to open a rift in the time-space continuum in his basement, regress his dad to a Neanderthal, turn his best friend into a dinosaur and foil and gang of art thieves.
Check Barry out.

Show of hands--who built a wallet sized hydrogen bomb yesterday and bouyed the Eastern European economy by covertly disrupting a secret trade embargo? Right! Just me! |