I've been crawling on the floor, barking like a dog, and listening to the new Sonic Youth album. Everyone else is napping right now so I'm trying to be quiet and downloading music.
I went to Tesco today and almost flew into a panic when I saw the posters reminding everyone about how today is father's day (conveniently situated next to their aisle-long selection of suitable gifts for father's day) and I thought I'd forgotten...then I remembered that the German father's day was three weeks ago and I'd made the phone call then so I was OK. Whew.
I went out to dinner with my immediate family, plus my grandfather and my father's sister's family. Dull. Food was okay, though, in spite of myself not feeling too well today.
My father spent most of the day watching golf. He took me to a friends to figure out why my dvdrom that I just got for my birthday wasnt working and ended up spliting his knuckles open when he fell on the cement stairs due to his bifocals and not wanting to drop one of my computer parts.
My dad. I think I'll keep him.