Ok, let's get something straight here.
Lazy they are not. They do a lot of work, and I'm not sure you appreciate how much work goes in to these comic, from those comments.
These guys are doing every little thing involved with making these comics. They don't have letterers and guys to do the pencils for them. They have to write and design the whole damn book. You know? It's not like they've got stuff ready to go, you have to write this stuff, you have to work at it - that's why it is good.
Guys like Adrian - for one does a lot of illustration work. To pay the bills. And other projects to, book design and some collaborations (I think, and some more stuff). And then when it get round to the artwork it's not as easy as getting a bit of paper and just drawing it out. Sketches, tracing, drawing.. blah blah.
I don't know much about Adrians work process, but I know it's pretty involved form reading interviews with him. He traces it all out first, flips it over, re draws it, inks it, lays stuff over the top, adds shading tones, lettering... this all takes a lot of time. he said if he's working well he can do a page in four days. And I'm guessing that's like, non stop work.
The guys a fucking workaholic! I'm sorry, but it annoys me greatly when people moan about comic artists being slow. If it's monthly superhero comics, then yeah, I can understand. But this isn't. Seriously, making comics is one of the most time consuming pastimes I can think of.
And that's not even starting on other people like Clowes. Who is still knocking out comics even though he's involved in a bunch of other stuff.
I believe as well as his new comic (which was just ready to be coloured last I heard...) he's done a new strip for a book thing edited by Chris Ware, illustration work, and working on a new movie : Art School Confidential.
I saw a biography for all the work (comics and otherwise) he'd ever done online somehwere, it was completely fucking daunting. |