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"Paranoid" is the new "Yellow Menace": conspiracy theorists vs. hatespeech

17:39 / 10.06.02
PARANOID/PARANOIA: Media Buzzwords to Silence the Politically-Incorrect by Dr. Alan Cantwell.

Any researcher who has dug hard to find “the truth” knows that it is rarely found in the media. After all, the speciality of the major media is to provide new stories, not to solve the ills of society, nor to bore people with “old news.” Reporters pride themselves in unbiased reporting, by not taking sides or injecting personal opinion in their stories. Few news writers have the courage or ability tend to investigate potentially-explosive conspiracy theories that might embarrass the government, or their advertisers or editors – or even their readers.

Despite these shortcomings, the media seem to take pride in dismissing people as “paranoid” who believe in conspiracy theories of any kind.

According to Webster’s Dictionary, paranoia is a serious psychiatric diagnosis: a psychosis characterised by systematised delusions or persecution or grandeur usually without hallucinations. Paranoia can also be defined as a tendency on the part of an individual or group toward excessive and irrational suspiciousness and distrustfulness of others. People who exhibit such psychiatric traits are paranoid.

A definite diagnosis of paranoia requires the expertise of a psychiatric health professional. A diagnosis is made after a careful history and physical examination of the patient, and must include a detailed drug history and psychiatric observation.

All this is ignored by journalists who indiscriminately label people as paranoid. Their purpose is to discredit a person’s mind and reasoning ability. Unfairly labelling people as paranoid is malicious and evil; and the word can be as hateful as words like nigger, kike, and faggot. When terms like paranoia and paranoid are tossed around in the media, rational communication is no longer possible.

A paranoid person is not normal because paranoia indicates a diseased mind.

In their quest for power, politicians often portray their perceived enemies as diseased. Hitler was a master of this. After securing the cooperation of the German physicians, he rid the Third Reich of thousands of mental and physical defectives by murdering them. When this was accomplished, he turned on the Jews. He labelled the Jews as a cancer that needed to be cut out of a diseased Germany. Thus, the roots of the Holocaust were planted.

Labelling people as diseased is an effective way of discrediting and silencing them.


During the past two decades of media reports on the various theories of AIDS origin, the theory that the disease might be man-made is occasionally mentioned. However, the scientific evidence supporting this theory is never mentioned, and the idea is usually dismissed as misguided and paranoid.

Initially, the media heralded the green monkey theory of AIDS, first proposed by Robert Gallo, the so-called discoverer of the AIDS virus. In a just-published book entitled Science Fictions: A Scientific Mystery, a Massive Cover-up, and the Dark Legacy of Robert Gallo, Chicago Tribune reporter John Crewdson totally discredits Gallo’s discovery of HIV and claims the scientist actually pilfered the virus from French scientists at the Pasteur Institute. Crewdson, who first exposed the scientific irregularities of Gallo’s AIDS research in 1989, claims the resulting lawsuits were finally settled in 1993 and only through the intervention of high-ranking French and US government officials.

In addition, Gallo’s monkey theory has been replaced by the chimpanzee theory. Currently, the new government-approved “official story” of the origin of AIDS is that HIV began in the African rainforest when a chimp virus “jumped species”, most probably when a hunter cut his finger while butchering a chimp. How a Black heterosexual epidemic in Africa could have transformed itself into a disease exclusively found in white homosexual men in New York City in the late 1970s has never been convincingly explained.

Ex-New York City Health Commissioner Stephen Joseph, in his AIDS book, Dragon Within the Gates, also dismisses without explanation “the paranoid theories about AIDS being a deliberate invention of biological warfare.” However, he does note “the scars left by the Tuskegee experiment” in the Black community.

In this notorious government-sponsored syphilis experiment, public health doctors deliberately lied to black sharecroppers in Alabama for over 40 years. The men were never told they were infected with syphilis, and when a penicillin cure became available in the 1940s the doctors withheld treatment so that they could study the devastating effect of untreated syphilis. When the men died, the doctors rushed to get an autopsy, coaxing the family into giving permission by having the government pick up the tab for the funeral expenses. Under pressure from civil rights activists, this racist experiment was finally terminated in 1972.

Joseph writes that the memory of Tuskegee “fueled a conspiratorial theory that AIDS resulted from a biological experiment, gone awry, performed on Africans by the United States government.”

But conspiracy theorists know that government doctors and scientists, and the military
17:51 / 10.06.02
Webster's is wrong: 'paranoia' - as distinct from 'paranoid psychosis' - is a particular mental state which may or (more commonly) may not be symptomatic of an actual psychiatric disorder. One might as well label 'anxiety' or 'unhappiness' a mental illness...
Baz Auckland
19:02 / 10.06.02
Back in grade 12 in World Issues class, they taught us that the virus made it over to Haiti, and then was brought to North America by a gay Air Canada pilot. I remember the map they showed us. Whether this is true or not, I don't really know.
Jack Fear
19:15 / 10.06.02
Run a Google search on the words "Gaetan Dugas" and/or "Patient Zero" for more on that.
The Monkey
19:29 / 10.06.02
Let's get yellow: Remember the Maine!

Of course, Cantwell falls back upon the tried and true methodology of folk without an empirical leg to stand on: positioning himself and his ilk as an oppressed minority...not unlike the fashion in which white supremacist groups do....
Oh!, now Dr. Cantwell and I share a fallacy in common: scaremongering. The easiest way to makes one's opponents look like the bad guys in to compare them to those bogeymen of the latter half of the 20th centuries...the NAZIS! [queue spooky music] Because this comparison is oh-so-valid. Of course, I'm sure Dr. Cantwell would guffaw if I suggested that conspiracy theorists with antiSemitic tendencies be given equal time on TV and print...but that's right, the "media" doesn't care about "the truth."
The subtext here is Dr. Cantwell wants us to believe HIM...and to fuck with every other conspiracy nut. He wants his position given equal time.

And what a position it is.

Number One...yes, there was a journalistic expose on Gallo and the likelihood of his plagiarism of data from a French lab...but it does not follow that this invalidates all data he and the French lab produced. This leap in Cantwell's logic is not justified. Second, neither the "green monkey" nor the "chimpanzee" models of HIV transmission have ever been "accepted" given that both exist solely within a theoretical of yet nonverifiable. While the chimpanzee position is given more attention in the scientific because of the greater genetic similiar between homo sapiens and pongo pongo, neither can be said to be "accepted" because all theories of HIV/AIDS genesis exist currently only as virtualities.
Finally, the comparison to the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments is unjustified rhetorically and theoretically, and in my opinion falls back upon the use of emotive scandal to generate a sense of subjective validity.
In its own sick fashion, the Tuskegee Trials constituted an experiment, with controls, records, etc. Similarly, in a sick fashion, the government saw itself as sacrificing a few black men for the sake of many black men. The results were the finding that black and white men respond pretty much the same to syphilis...they go mad and die. From an emotive standpoint, this is strong stuff. It stirs the blood, But what is the point of comparison, then, with the distribution of HIV/AIDS, even if the government manufactured and distributed it in target population? Aside from the presence of two black populations, there is no epidemiological comparison.
But it is the two black populations that Cantwell is playing upon to validate his theory: by demonstrating the US once endorsed experimentation on a sample of black men, he is extrapolating that the US has demonstrated the potential for genocide against Africans...except that the former fact doesn't actually justify the latter conclusion. The suggestion of racism, though, ensures a certain quantity of emotional reaction, even agreement.
What lies at stake here is burden of proof: Cantwell demonstrates no virological evidence, no documentation of such a US project, nor a path of epidemiological spread that would suggest a seeding process. Instead, we are simply supposed to accept his assertion that he knows the answer, but cannot prove it because of the coverup.
Of course, one could also bring up the fact that HIV is, from a strategic standpoint, utterly useless as a means of virological warfare, or even of long-term removal of difficult populations.
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