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Anthrax in small towns in the Northeast?

Ronald Thomas Clontle
23:34 / 15.10.01
Today, at a bank three blocks away from where I live in the suburbs, a package arrived which contained a mysterious white powder. Hazmat trucks, police and ambulances arrived immediately, and the area has been roped off since around 10 am.

Apparently the same thing has happened in several small town banks throughout the Hudson Valley in NY, as well as in southern Massachusetts and Connecticut.

This is as much as I currently know...I have no idea whether this is a hoax or the real thing. It all happened at once in several locations, though...

No idea why this isn't on the news in any way either.

I can't understand why they'd pick these areas though, there isn't much here.
Jack Fear
00:36 / 16.10.01
It's happening all over the country: sick opportunistic thrillseeking copycat fucks are sending out powdered sugar or talcum for a cheap thrill or a day off from work.

If you have done such a thing and you are reading this:

Heard on NPR today that the San Jose police department has been fielding eighty hazmat calls a day since this story broke, without a single positive or credible result.

This story's not done shaking out yet, that's for sure: but keeping all these scares ot of the news denies these sick-headed maggots the oxygen of publicity.
03:20 / 16.10.01
Best idea would be to put it in Hollywood's coke supply, wouldn't it? Ideologically speaking.


Unfortunately, Jack, it's all the rage here in the middle. Every paper has a cover story on "continued reports" or the "anthrax scare."
Big Lumox
08:20 / 16.10.01
It's going on all over the world:

...including a genuine package sent to Microsoft, from Malaysia.
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