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Brazil, Monsoon Wedding, Hollywood Endings, and Taste Cultures [Multiple SPOILERS]

07:51 / 30.05.02
This probably has more to do with watching more than one movie in a week than anything else, but...

I finally got around to seeing Brazil last week and discovered that even the best technology and a supposedly better, darker ending couldn't make me like it. This is disapponting because according to many many books on my shelves and even WIRED magazine I should like it. It's "one of the best" scifi films, or so I'd been led to believe. It wasn't. The ending was tired and predictable (both endings). The main character dreaming about being one of the Silverhawks was flat out lame. And, of course, the stalker winning the girl got under my skin.

Sure, it makes one wonder where fantasy and reality get mixed together, and there's some good set direction (purposeful wandering crowds, the bridge with the billboards, the videogame), but it's not much of a movie: neither fun nor questing.

I pretty much hated it. My partner, also out of character, loved it.

I really enjoyed Monsoon Wedding, though. Relatively low-tech and multilingual with stilted dialogue, it manages to come across as very human - touching on family, work, love, childhood, abuse, friendship, tradition, empire... Even throws in a double wedding at the end (very common in early Hollywood.)

So I fell for the cheesy movie and hated the ostensibly late/postmodern angsty one. Am I just getting old or can I reconcile my love for Blade Runner (and both versions are good, really) and last week's experiences? Or am I doomed to hope for a double wedding in Zion at the end of Matrix III?
Mr Tricks
18:34 / 30.05.02
I dug Monson Wedding as well... have you seen Mississippi Masalla? Staring a young Denzel Washington... also very good.

Was meaning to catch the director's cut of Amedeus that afternoon but we went to the wrong theater... Oh well...

Still, went out and totally loved SPIDER-MAN the following week... so wedding scene there (unless you count the scene where spidey lays Norman Osborn in his bed)...

Brazil was fun & silly... I like most of Terry's other movies better... except for the Fisher King.
20:59 / 30.05.02
I didn't like the ending of Spider-Man, even though I'm sick to death of happy-ever-afters. Parker spent the whole movie mooning around over MJ, finally succeeded in charming her, then shoved her away. His actions didn't strike me as noble; she's going to be a target for supervillains who figger out his soopah-secret identity, regardless of whether she's his buddy or his lover. His rejection of her feelings struck me as being either an excuse to wallow in self-pity and angst, or maybe a scheme to even the score for all the times she treated him as though he wasn't good enough for her. Peter Parker reminded me vaguely of Peter Riviera, the illusion-weaving serial killer from Neuromancer, who was driven to make women fall in love with him before he killed them.

Then again, I could be over-analyzing a bit of cinematic technofluff.
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