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The last x-files --spoilers for garbage--

Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
12:38 / 29.05.02
I just got over my rage enough to post about this damn travesty

Sure, the show could have ended 2 years ago, but shit, the could have put some effort into it

1.5 hours of recap????

The smoking man doing some shaman routine out in the desert?

ANOTHER pop culture use of the end of the mayan calendar, with no mention of all the other cooler subcultural stuff that points to December 22 2012? Couldn't they have mentioned McKenna or Morrison, just to add some more real world people to it, you know, so fanboy x-philes might hop online to find out who these people are.

No, of course not, they prefer the catch all Mayan calendar, because its not risky OR subversive.

... and the ending, pfeh

"theres always hope"

Yeah, hope that this series will stay freakin dead, no psychic baby spin offs dammit

Oh, yeah, and they killed the Lone Gunmen, the most interesting chars in the series -- and not even in the finale, like 4 episode before, bastards
12:47 / 29.05.02
no, of course not, they prefer the catch all Mayan Calendar, because its not risky OR subversive

Or because they've never heard of Grant Morrison? It does happen, you know.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
13:17 / 29.05.02
ok, so it could happen, but really, these highly paid writers could have done some research beyond "uh, well i remember this from a 200 lvl anthro class"
15:44 / 29.05.02
I can see it now:

CSM: You didn't tell her, Mulder. You didn't tell her because you didn't want her to know you were beaten. December 22, 2012.

Scully: What's that?

Mulder: (through gritted teeth) The date of the invasion.

CSM: Yes, as also suggested in this FANTASTIC comic book (holds up copy of the Invisibles) by top jocko scrivener Grant Morrison. Fast-paced and with hip, catchy language, THE INVISIBLES is an eschatological treat! 10 out of 10!

Scully: Are you being sarcastic or wierd?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
16:05 / 29.05.02
that would have been the best thing on x-files since season 2

i think the finally shoulda been comedy, like the Jose Chungs From Outer Space episode
16:43 / 29.05.02
so, what was behind the whole conspiracy thing? spoil it to me, please?
18:50 / 29.05.02
Millennium login:

Welcome, Frank Blank. There are 3795 days remaining.

Hey, I can dream...
19:06 / 29.05.02 that would be nice...damn Millenium on Friday nights...ugh....was drunk by the time I would have been able to watch it. Didn't bother seeing the finale of X-files 'cause frankly I lost interest too long ago. It had its moments...
Mr Tricks
20:49 / 29.05.02
ANYTHING would have been better...

Mulder leading the "resistance"

the secret building of a space ark to get humans off of earth...

21:27 / 29.05.02
Uh.. Mulder "broke" because he found out that there will be an invasion going on?

Uh.... Didn't he know that already from, oh I don't know, every single season premiere and finale? I mean, come on! We all knew that the aliens were gonna recolonize Earth! What's the big revelation? A date?

And what was up with the Christian preaching in the end?

"Let's sit around, do nothing, and just believe in God and the aliens will be stopped?!!" I mean, come on! This is ridiculous! The writers who wrote this should be lined up and shot!

...And then shot again!
Margin Walker
23:18 / 29.05.02
NinJade wrote: so, what was behind the whole conspiracy thing? spoil it to me, please?

Tribbles. Fuckin' figures....
Murray Hamhandler
02:37 / 30.05.02
I knew that I shouldn't have had high hopes for the finale, given the declining quality of the episodes I've seen from the last couple of seasons, but I did. And BOY were they obliterated. That last episode was one of the worst I've seen. Totally uneventful, totally pointless. Nothing happened. The only good part of it, besides finally getting a somewhat coherent explanation of the muck that is the mythology, was seeing the utter finality of CSM's demise. Now there's a fucker that won't be coming back anytime soon.

Until the Attack of the Cigarette Smoking Clones, that is.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
11:31 / 31.05.02
Oh, so CSM comes back from the 'dying of irreversible brain cancer, paralysis and being chucked down stairs' death then? Fucker.
11:48 / 31.05.02
Guy here at work went onto a message board and the die hard fans were trying to tell people that they didn't get it.

It's all about Scully getting Mulder to find faith, so the die hard x-filers say.

Doesn't sounds very good but I'm another that lost interest along time ago...
gentleman loser
15:36 / 31.05.02
Against my better judgement, I watched the final episode. Carter's cynical slaughtering of the Lone Gunmen (the only episode from the last season that I actually watched) really pissed me off. It was almost like he was punishing the characters for the failure of their spin off.

My expectations were so low that I was not surprised that it was nothing more than a glorified clip show. I was so bored that I fell asleep after the first hour.

Oh, CSM's still alive! Like I couldn't see that coming.

The X-Files should have been killed at least two seasons ago. I knew that the show would start to suck when the series became one long tedious and deadly serious Mulder alien conspiracy arc episode.

The finest episodes were those with a sense of humor like Jose Chung's From Outer Space (my favorite), Clyde Bruckman's Final Response, War of the Coprophages, Musings of a Cigarette-Smoking Man and Humbug or the just plain creepy shit like Home, Squeeze and Sanguinarium. The conspiracy stuff killed the series.
A Bigger Boat
09:14 / 01.06.02
I'm with Ninjade - spoil it all right now so that we don't have to watch it.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
09:20 / 01.06.02
I personally disliked a lot of the humorous ones as they tended, either deliberately or accidentally, to undermine the credibility of the show. Take that vampire episode. From Mulder's point of view Scully is extremely negative and hostile and from her point of view he's an idiot. So how did they manage to work together so long?
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:08 / 01.06.02
to undermine the credibility of the show

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hee hee hee ha ha ha hee hee ho ho *splutter* ha ha ha ha ha hee ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ha ha ha ha ha hee hee hee ha ha ha *cough, cough* oh ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ha ha ha ha *splutter* ha ha ha ha ha hee... *choke*
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
11:50 / 01.06.02

ok, mulder breaks into a gov facility with a keycard he got from an indian
he finds a file called end game which has the date dec 22 2012, but we dont know what it is supposed to be--ooh, one last mystery.
mulder gets arrested for killing doggets ex marine-turned-super-soldier buddy--who we all know cant be killed, he is tried despite the fact that the defense isnt given a body to examine
The trial is done by the FBI, led by black-guy-in-charge
after the build up we have an HOUR of the trial, which is primarily a bunch of scenes from the series and the movie played out as "testimony" in mulders defence, as skinner, mulders defense lawyer for no apparent reason, tries to prove the conspiracy

after a bunch of silly courtroom "drama" mulder is found guilty

skinner and someone else (dont recall who) break mulder out, and as they are running black-guy-in-charge, who WAS trying to crucify mulder in the trial, helps him escape, for no real reason.

Mulder goes to some anasazi ruins in the new mexico desert looking for the "wise man" who gave the keycard to the indian who delivered it to mulder (we didnt actually SEE this indian delivery guy, mulder mentions it at this point). The wise man is of course the smoking guy, now smoking through a hole in his neck.
CSM tells scully what mulder wouldnt, that 2012 is when the aliens are going to re-invade earth--"It scared the mayans so much that they made their calander stop on that date" What, did the aliens show up and say "yo, teczacalpoluto, we will be back in a few thousand years, in long count thats uhh, 27 lines and 50 dots"
then the black helicopters show up and start firing missiles at the ruins, again, for no apparent reason. we do get a close up of CSM getting hit with a missile and his body combusting, PRETTY sure he wont be back
before dying CSM also tells mulder that the evil feds have a base where they think they will be safe during the invasion, yadda yadda conspiracy crap.

overall pretty bad, even for x-files form the last few years.

only part i liked is that i found out what happened to mulders sister in one of the flashbacks, since i hadnt been watching the show for the last few seasons really.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
14:26 / 01.06.02
(hits Flyboy with plank)
A Bigger Boat
15:26 / 01.06.02
Thsnks Elijah.

I'll take all of that on face value and not assume that you're fucking with me. If it's that bad I might actually get a few beers in and piss myself laughing.

You've put a smile on my face.
shirtless, beepers and suntans
19:17 / 01.06.02
elijah, wasn't that the last episode of "seinfeld" as well?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
11:01 / 02.06.02
now that you mention it, yes it was...goddammit chris "i have piles of money so dont need to make anything worth while" carter
03:51 / 03.06.02
The WORST was the escape. Friggin' Kersh shows up and lets them out the right door. Reyes is sitting right outside the fence of a top secret facility, but nobody seems to have noticed her.

But really, Kersh just popping up to open the door?

I mean, really. The show has sucked ass wind for 2, 3 years now. Who cares? I only watched as a sort of curiousity.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
16:48 / 01.10.02
They've just shown the finale on Sky. I didn't think the first 2/3rds were that bad, but that might be because the last couple of years have so lowered my expectations. I would like some more development of the ideas of why Mulder was seeing Krychek and X, but then the last few years have been full of doing weird stuff and not bothering to give an explanation (why does Scully get a call from her long dead sister directing her to the little clone girl? Who gives a shit?). When the X-Files does run around mad stuff it's tolerable.

BUT NONE OF THE CREATIVE TEAM HAVE A SOUL! So they can't write profound stuff to save their life. The last third, with Scully and Mulder in a lodge somewhere is both incredibly dull and just proves that not only does the team not *want* to give us an answer they *can't* give us an answer. Maybe we'll get an X-Files TV Movie in a few years which has David Duchovny making a brief appearance as he hasn't had any work since the show ended and condenses the entire alien story down to them wanting our carbon dioxide or something.

Someone mentioned Chris Carter punishing the Gunmen for their show tanking, maybe this is his punishment with us for getting pissed off with his endless 'where's the truth? Is it over here? Is it over there?' schtick.

And on a story level- Mulder meets the CSM again. Oh look, he's still pissed off about how CSM killed his Dad as part of a plot to save the world and stop the aliens from learning out that Mulder was on to them and killing him. Arse deserves to have his planet invaded.
21:26 / 03.10.02
Just stumbled onto this thread and I'm so pleased to have found others who also thought THIS SUCKED ON A GALATIC SCALE.
All my friends who watched it thought it was great. ?

The way I see it is the show at the end suffered because of 2 major problems.
1: Since day 1 Chris Carter hasn't had a clue exactly where he's going with this story. He just seemed to be making it up as he was going along. The fact that most of us stayed the distance is by far more to chance than skill.

2: At the start of season 9 the writers knew this was the last season. They had 8 years of story to explain but still gave us mystery/monster of the week episodes in the most part and just crammed it all in at the end. You can't wrap up 9 years in an hour and a half. Surely someone must have know this? Even the Lone Gunman episode (the best of the season by far IMHO) was, in X-Files mythology at least, a filler episode.

Seems to me that the whole thing was one big wasted opportunity.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
09:31 / 04.10.02
This is why for me B5 will always be better, at least he worked out how to use the corporate restrictions and tell an interesting story.
8===>Q: alyn
11:15 / 04.10.02
Do you mean that Donovan didn't show up and start blasting the Visitors? I always thought X-Files would meld into V at the end.

V was awesome.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
17:15 / 04.10.02
ha ha ha ha ha ha
I had a debate at work about Donovan at work, we were talking about V and someone called him dominick...
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