ok, mulder breaks into a gov facility with a keycard he got from an indian
he finds a file called end game which has the date dec 22 2012, but we dont know what it is supposed to be--ooh, one last mystery.
mulder gets arrested for killing doggets ex marine-turned-super-soldier buddy--who we all know cant be killed, he is tried despite the fact that the defense isnt given a body to examine
The trial is done by the FBI, led by black-guy-in-charge
after the build up we have an HOUR of the trial, which is primarily a bunch of scenes from the series and the movie played out as "testimony" in mulders defence, as skinner, mulders defense lawyer for no apparent reason, tries to prove the conspiracy
after a bunch of silly courtroom "drama" mulder is found guilty
skinner and someone else (dont recall who) break mulder out, and as they are running black-guy-in-charge, who WAS trying to crucify mulder in the trial, helps him escape, for no real reason.
Mulder goes to some anasazi ruins in the new mexico desert looking for the "wise man" who gave the keycard to the indian who delivered it to mulder (we didnt actually SEE this indian delivery guy, mulder mentions it at this point). The wise man is of course the smoking guy, now smoking through a hole in his neck.
CSM tells scully what mulder wouldnt, that 2012 is when the aliens are going to re-invade earth--"It scared the mayans so much that they made their calander stop on that date" What, did the aliens show up and say "yo, teczacalpoluto, we will be back in a few thousand years, in long count thats uhh, 27 lines and 50 dots"
then the black helicopters show up and start firing missiles at the ruins, again, for no apparent reason. we do get a close up of CSM getting hit with a missile and his body combusting, PRETTY sure he wont be back
before dying CSM also tells mulder that the evil feds have a base where they think they will be safe during the invasion, yadda yadda conspiracy crap.
overall pretty bad, even for x-files form the last few years.
only part i liked is that i found out what happened to mulders sister in one of the flashbacks, since i hadnt been watching the show for the last few seasons really. |