"what i have been talking about is men *as an institution*. in a similar way to many many people's issues with america as an institution i.e. they despise america but not all americans." -shortfatdyke
I understand exactly what you mean when you explain it that way. It's just that my warning flag tends to go up when it seems like someone is making broad generalizations about a group of people based on genetic traits (and to a lesser degree w/r/t broad generalizations of any arbitrary group in general). It disturbs me that it seems perfectly acceptable in many circles anymore to make derogatory statements towards and about white males, to the point where many people (even white males themselves) are thoughtlessly racist and sexist in what they say and no one seems to bat an eye. It's much easier, I admit, to ascribe an undesirable trait to a group than to look at the underlying reasons that certain members of that group act the way that they do, or to accept that the trait that one ascribes to the group does not apply to all members of said group. It's simpler, but it's bigotry whichever way you look at it.
As you say, though, your rage is instead directed towards the prevalent patriarchal institutions, and rightfully so, IMHO. I usually try not to be too much of a pedant, but I think this is definitely an instance where we have to be really careful about how we say what we're trying to say. I also try keep from getting overly-defensive about stuff, but I have to take issue when I feel like I'm being associated, by virtue of my sex alone, with what I myself view as a serious problem. I'm glad to know that it was a misinterpretation on my part, and I hope that people in general can come to realize that all of those who oppose the patriarchal norms in our society are on the same "side" of the issue, regardless of a given individual's sex. |