The Hexagon has been a major symbol on my path, for over several years now, ever since a very intense visitation, the night before the '99 eclipse.

As you can see the hexagon has triangular divisions, the hexagram. The hexagram resembles a wire frame cube, as seen fron one corner. Obviously extensions of the perimeter lines would create a six pointed star.
The hexagon is a function between the radius and circumference of the circle, and is a naturaly occuring form in nature. (See French physicist Benard: Benard cells) It is a key figure within the construction and understanding of the Vesica Piscis
'The Hexgon's direct relationship to the circle is allied to another interesting property in which teh alternate vertices of the figure are joined by straight lines (see diagram above) to produce the hexagram. The figure, composed of interpenetrating equilateral triangles, symbolises the fusion of opposing principles: male and female, hot and cold, water and fire, earth and air, etc., and is consequently symbolic of the archetypal alchemy and remains the sacred symbol of the Jews to this day. The dimensions of the triangles which form the hexagram are directly related to the circle which produces them, and can be made the starting point for geometrical developments.'
(sacred Geometry: Nigel Pennick)

Hexagram backdrop used in conjunction with copper pyramid |