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Ender's Game

ill tonic
18:39 / 27.05.02
I thought some folks around here might be interested in this tidbit of news : ENDER'S GAME is coming to the big screen with Orson Scott Card doing the script and Wolfgang Peterson (Das Boot & The Perfect Storm) helming the cam ....
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
11:46 / 29.05.02
i saw a script for this WAY back, it likely is not the same as this one though, but it could be
gotta find it

Hooray for mormon sci fi!
11:50 / 29.05.02
It sounds interesting. The thing that'll make it or break it is the actor they choose to play Ender. Which, to me, means they need to find somebody like Haley Joel Osmond and not that Phantom Menace kid, Jake Lloyd(?)
17:41 / 29.05.02
I seem to recall reading something, somewhere, that the script was originally going to focus more on the adults, because Card didn't think they'd be able to find a child actor who could pull off Ender with enough to skill to carry the story. But that either the star wars kid, or the 6th sense kid came into the picture and Card decided that they could pull it off, so he put it back the way it was.

from here

"However, nothing whatsoever will be done about casting or hiring until after the script is finished. The film's release will not be scheduled until the script is fully agreed upon AND the director has finished his next film. So it will certainly be at least two years and more likely three, maybe even four years before the film is released."

So who knows what will happen.

Oh, and this other little tid bit:

"The upshot is that all are agreed on a fairly detailed outline of a film that combines Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow in a way that will combine the most important elements of both. Together, the stories make one terrific film.

To fans of the book, OSC offers this reminder: "The movie can't show everything from either book, let alone both. So there will almost certainly be scenes and even plot threads that you cared about which are not present in the film. Fortunately, the books still exist, and so readers will be able to experience those scenes for many years in the future.
Spatula Clarke
16:40 / 31.05.02
Yeah, Card himself was interested in getting Jake Lloyd to play Ender; an interview on the 'Net some time last year had him saying something along the lines of "I wasn't sure that we could get anyone to pull it off, but I've recently been introduced to a wonderful young actor by the name of Jake Lloyd, who's skill at his craft is remarkable." Which, obviously, suggests that it's not just in terms of storytelling that he's lost the plot.
16:46 / 31.05.02
Jake Lloyd as Ender? Card has lost his mind. Make Ender a bit older and have Haley Joel Osmond play him.

Why bother with Ender's Shadow? Just make one movie based on Ender's Game. Ender's Shadow really didn't add anything to the series at all. Oh look, Bean is just like Ender, but he's even smaller. Pffbbbt.
21:35 / 31.05.02
Hey, the kid might actually not be that bad of an actor. I'll agree that he was the second most annoying character in Episode I, but it's hard to act well with dialogue that includes lines like:

"Now this is pod racing!"
"Let's try rolling, that's a good trick."
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