You can make an Uncrossing Ritual to her. It'll clear her mind, and probably make her see the dead-end situation she's in.
I've been doing one, in myself, for two months... my mind was cleared from an entropic situation and is, slowly, coming to act and fight the depression I had. More information here and here .
But, see, she'll pass a time of GREAT depression and anxiety. It's because an old, stagnant situation, will be eliminated from her mind/spirit, and it'll take some time for a new one come to her. I know because I've passed for this... it's tough. 
You can use a little santeria for her, too: light a white candle for her Holy Guardian Angel everyday. Concentrate your desire for a better situation for her in the candle, and pray a Our Father and Ave Maria for her HGA. After the prayers, put the candle in a place above your head. The first candle will fire fast, but, as more and more times will pray for her goodness, the candle will fire slowly. It's a signal that her HGA is near her, and will protect her. Or so the santeria here in Brazil say... 
There's a last and extreme measure you can take, it's a powerful ritual, and it's consequences... well, let's say it's better you begin with the HGA and the Uncrossing Ritual. If the ritual and the HGA didn't work, I can teach you this... but, like I've seen happening, you should use this last only if there's no other way. Ah, and if you can find the complete birth name of this "older man"...
Good luck to you and your friend, mate. This kind of sects are the worst type of slavery - mind/spirit slave. |