I think this is a slightly bizarre idea. All it's doing, surely, is formalising the normal process of people suggesting and visiting other boards? I suspect that the members who would participate do that already, and the ones who only visit Barbelith would not be that interested.
Example: the Warren Ellis forum is constantly mentioned and referenced around this board, often in terms of specific threads there. If anyone has any interest in going there, they could quite easily (okay, they'd have to search for it but that's it).
No offence, but if I was to go elsewhere I wouldn't want to identify myself as a "Barbelither" or a "citizen of Barbelith" at all. I prefer to avoid any preconceptions and to generate opinions based on what I say. (This was one of the reasons Haus banging on about the "special board" all the time got on my tits.) I generally have the same username so that people who know me from elsewhere can recognise me, and so I don't forget it, but that's it. That takes away a lot of the point of the suggestion.
The details of that would be hard to work out, anyway, and could end up being as nonsensical as the idea of "citizenship" in the real world. Does a community have to be your first community ever for you to be a member? Do you have to fill in forms? No borders, man!
I've posted the same threads in more than one place before, and I can see that it might be interesting to say "for an alternative perspective on this issue, check this thread here", and people could, and if they liked the look of the place they could join and contribute on a temporary or permanent basis.
The "passport" idea does have legs but I think that's a separate issue - maintaining a consistent apparent identity across more than one board. It's really just extending the idea of a username on one board (giving you a consistent identity in every thread and forum of that board) to apply across divides that were "physical" rather than just organisational - different URLs, policies etc.
I'm thinking in terms of a Yahoo ID sort of thing here. With Yahoo, you can join many different independent groups, each with their own policies and restrictions (or not), under the same ID, look at them all from a central interface, change settings etc easily... it's very convenient. |