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Edward Said on "The clash of civilisations"

04:57 / 10.10.01
Interesting article here Said "Clash of civilisations'where Palestinian Said debunks the "Clash of civilisations" argument (that post cold-war global politics/conflict, will be dominated by conflict between 'civilisations' eg The west vs Islam)
quote:"The clash of civilisations" thesis is a gimmick like 'War of the Worlds" better for reinforcing defensive self-pride than for critical understanding of the bewildering interdependence of our time.

(If Autopilot Disengaged has already posted, my apologies.)

[ 10-10-2001: Message edited by: agapanthus ]
05:29 / 10.10.01
Just in case folks aren't familiar with Said or Orientalism, those with fast computers can access the Media Education Foundation's catalog and preview The video companion to the book/theory. Now in particular, this link offers some food for thought: you need quicktime and it's available for fast and slow connections.
the Fool
23:08 / 10.10.01
And a slightly different persective on the 'clash of civilisations'

The west has won?
13:17 / 12.10.01
Thanks, Fool, for the Fukiyama article. After the reasoned, liberal, rigorous Said article, "The west has won?" reads like a lesson in the subtle rhetoric of inflammatory racism:
quote: It is not an accident that modern liberal democracy emerged first in the Christian west, since the universalism of democratic rights can be seen as a secular form of Christian universalism.
Yeah sure, when did women and 'slaves' get full citizenship rights in the US?

quote: Islam, by contrast, is the only cultural system that seems regularly to produce people like Osama bin Laden or the Taliban who reject modernity lock, stock and barrel. This raises the question of how representative such people are of the larger Muslim community, and whether this rejection is somehow inherent in Islam. For if the rejectionists are more than a lunatic fringe, then Huntington is right that we are in for a protracted conflict made dangerous by virtue of their technological empowerment.

Islam (as if it can be monolithically represented) is
the only cultural systemto priduce such rejecters of "modernity" as OBL and the Taliban?? . . .Hello, how democratic is the Catholic Church, how modern is the Amish?????

Fukiyama is a fuckwit - parading his capitalist triumphalism with all the finesse of an ambulance chasing lawyer. The tone of his article is "I told you so, and what Huntington said (about the clash of civilisations) just goes to prove how right I really was."

Has anyone taken him to task, in the media, over this self-justifying tripe?
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