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Finding shit

solid~liquid onwards
18:43 / 23.05.02
couldnt find matches today, looked alover me house, so it came to my usual back up plan. i hold my hands out in front of me, cncentrate on them and follow where they lead...strait to me matches

just concentrating on what you lost and on your hands, i can usually find what im looking for, last week i dropped a nail in long grass and couldnt find it, but doing this, my hands went strai to em.

this techinique has never failed me yet, mabye subconsciously i remember where things are or are more likely to be, and by concentrating i just remember...anyone had similar experiences in finding sheit, crap topic i know, but im bored *yawn* and revising for exams is turning my grey matter to a beig pink marshmallow
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:53 / 23.05.02
sttab: I wish I had that knack- I'm always losing shit. In fact, I think I have some kind of magickal shit-losing talent- I can look straight thru things for ages before they finally register on my brain.
21:55 / 23.05.02
It's in your bottom. That's where it's made.
solid~liquid onwards
11:38 / 24.05.02
please never say anything as offensive as that again ganesh...i lost my bottom back in 'nam :P
14:31 / 24.05.02
I need to find a gold Virgo astrological sign medallion my late aunt gave was in my wallet last week, then it wasn't. My wallet is old and crappy (had it since 7th grade), and I should get a new one soon. It must have fallen out somewhere.

I feel confident that with magick and focus, I can find it, or it can find me again.........or I can be led back to it. I wonder if that hands trick you mention will work for me (if it's in my apt. somewhere), I'll have to try it.

I might do a sigil for finding it if it doesn't pop up soon, or if the hands bit doesn't work.
solid~liquid onwards
15:12 / 24.05.02
you go girl!...if its not in your apartment, get a map of your area and try a similar thing...never tried this, but it might work.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:26 / 24.05.02
Hey! I lost my apartment back in 'Nam. A little sensitivity.
22:29 / 24.05.02
Actually, pretty good topic. I've been trying to work on this lately.

Whenever I lose something, I calm myself, close my eyes and say a quick prayer to the Goddess, then I continue to look, even if I have, in fact looked everywhere. I look in the same places again and what I'm looking for invariably turns up. Pretty cool and useful magickal trick.
solid~liquid onwards
12:36 / 25.05.02
my 3v4l mum hid my mouse and keyboard this morning while i was in bed, before she went to work... 1 minute of searching, and well im typing here...started in the kitchen, concentrating on the mouse and keyboard, and my hands pointed kkinda upwards, so i followed them upstairs to my parents room, strait to her chest of drawers, and opened the drawer my hands had led me too....alas no keyboard...then i checked under the clothes in that drawer and we had a keyboard & mouse
The Mr E suprise
09:45 / 31.05.02
Finding shit is easy. Sit down. Sigh. Politely as possible ask the house fairy for your keys back. Wait. Pick up keys. Works most of the time, evokes funny loks the rest.
Knight's Move
11:37 / 31.05.02
Mothers have this ability (I think it goes with the increased packing ability and hyper developed common sense). "Mum I've lost 'x'" Did you look like I look or like you usually look?" Cue five minutes later max. mum returns with said object. Useful.

My friend has a problem with the goblins in his flat. Things do appear and disappear,and they play with the toys as well. They keep moving Skeletor around, and hanging He-Man from stuff. Also they seem to make Jigglypuff talk on her own but that's kind of off the thread. We can't ask for the things back though, they're playful (read malicious) little sods.

I find I can find things really quickly as long as I 'm outside the situation. People will turn and go where's the...and I'll hand it to them. If I've lost the thing though I will never be able to see it, even when someone points it out, and it's in my hand...You just have to have a mind totally uncluttered by thoughts of where it was last, and where you've already looked, turn and look at the scene and concentrate solely on the concept of the thing, and I find that works. It sort of makes it stand out as its the only thing you're allowing to be registered in your perceptual field. As I say though that really only works when you're looking for someone elses stuff because of all the baggage you're carrying in the quest for your own.

Oh, and my house fairy served in Nam does that count?
12:30 / 31.05.02
Ok, here's my strangest "lost" story. A friend of mine dropped by from Pennsylvania and was planning to stay at a hostel. She showed me the directions to the youth hostel and asked me if I knew how to get there. I said that she could stay over at my place which she did. Now the paper with the directions had a couple of phone numbers on it. So later on at my house my friend decides to call a friend of hers who lives in Manhatten. So we look and look and look for the paper but we can't find it...

Later on she calls me from her place in Pennsylvania to say that...she found the piece of paper.. ON HER TABLE IN HER ROOM!!!!
15:39 / 31.05.02
Any time house faeries are involved, I tend to find the thing I was looking for sitting right out in plain sight, in a place I've already scoured countless times before. Or sitting in the middle of the living room floor. Or in my pocket. They're playful buggers. At a previous residence, the best way to get them to give something up was to put some pot shake in the palm of your hand, and blow it in offering. They were a fun bunch. Of course, often the thing that would go missing for weeks at a time was one of the pipes... It was one of the sort that whistled through the cap when you hit it. Sometimes we'd hear faint whistling in the walls while it was missing. We've had a much better relationship with our house faeries since we set up a little alter to them. Funny, they don't steal things for attention anymore since we did that.
Stone Mirror
06:31 / 01.06.02
Yes, I've certainly had similar experiences with "house fairies" (although I've tended to think of them as gremlins). Asking politely seems to work a good deal of the time.

On the occasions when it hasn't, I've had makes-you-stop-and-think good luck dowsing for lost object with a pendulum. To do this, you only need to establish a pair of distinct patterns for yes and no (this is common stuff for this sort of application, and I don't want to bore people...I can elaborate if anyone is interested) and then subdivide the location you want to search. "Is it in the house?" If the answer is "yes", then "Is it on the first floor?" If "yes", stand in the approximate middle of the floor and ask, "Is it in front of me?" "Is it to my left?"...and so on.
Knight's Move
22:05 / 01.06.02
Possibly one of the most bizzare finding shit moments was going back home to friends' club night. I found a new dark blue clipper (still with label on) which was one of three lighters I found that night (which makes a change as normally I am in the lighters vanishing club). I went back to my friends' house and they asked if someone had a lighter, so I proffered this one and it turned out one of my friends had lost an identical lighter (to the point that he had bought it that afternoon and it had had the label on) earlier that afternoon at a pub elsewhere where they had been drinking, before I had even entered the city. So the lighter travelled to the club, where I found it. Nice.
12:44 / 13.06.02
Hey, I lost my whole Planetary comic collection. I do not have the faintest idea of where it is. Anyone can help?

Here in Mexico they call the house fairies/gremlins "Chaneques". They take offerings too, the gratest difference between chaneques and gremlins, is that they do not like the word "compadre" (no direct traduction to english: my child's godfather), so if you write this word in those things that tend to get lost, the chaneques do not touch it. The other method is to offer them a little bottle of alcoholic beberage and a miniature guitar. They go to party and forget about losing things around.
Rev. Jesse
04:36 / 14.06.02
I find that working yourself into a steaming rage and swearing at the spirits and demanding they find what is lost works well.

Just be sure to thank them for their help.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
11:15 / 14.06.02
Hmmm... the finding things in plain sight after you've hunted for them for hours phenomenon is a familiar one. I remember a particular incident when myself and LA had been searching high and low for a particular CD, only to find it lying in full view on top of a large cardboard box. Brown cardboard, fluro green CD box. Right in the front room. At the time, of course, we both laughed it of, but I still can't see how we missed it.
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