It depends on the reasons behind any changes. If it's in order to make the film closer to the director's original vision then I don't really have a problem with it. How many different versions of Brazil have there been over the years? I don't think that many would try to argue that the 'accidental' showing of Gilliam's prefered take has led to an inferior version being made available. The same applies to Blade Runner.
Two conflicting reasons have been given for the ET tampering. Depending on which version you believe, Spielberg either did it because he always felt that the guns were a mistake or because he became uneasy with their inclusion over a period of time. The first excuse I'd be happy with; if it's a mistake from the word go then changing it later on, when the technology to do so effectively is available, is justified. If the director has a change of heart over a course of time then I don't think it's all that easy to justify. Quite apart from anything else, films are of their era. If you're going to fuck about with them simply because you don't think that they work as well in the modern climate, then you may as well go the whole hog and remake them.
The same two reasons are given for Lucas' fiddling with the original Star Wars trilogy. The scene with Solo in the cantina, where in the new version Greedo shoots first, was changed either because it was a mistake in the first place or because Lucas didn't like one of heros having any sort of moral ambiguity. The real reason to be the latter, if only because the attempt to make it look like Greedo takes the first shot was so pathetically half-arsed.
Then you've got the added stuff. Here, though, it was a mistake in that the newly-created footage jarred terribly with the older material. Watching the special editions is little more than a game of spot the difference, the shiny new stuff sticking out like a sore thumb (take the expanded Mos Eisley or the lead up to the Death Star trench, where the CG creatures and ships seem completely unable to stop shifting about all over the place, the sudden manoeuvrability of the ships in particular at odds with the older model shots).
Like I say, it depends. On the reasons for the tampering or its effectiveness. |