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Tentacle-headed Captain Zoom under a gibbous moon

12:52 / 21.05.02
Hey, Cap'n, would it be possible to organize a Call Of Cthulhu RPG on the 'lith? Is it feasible, and how would you do it and would you be interesting in being the Narrator etc etc?
Er, I'm asking him, but anyone interested can hop in and answer.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
13:17 / 21.05.02
I tend to feel that CoC requires your physical presense. It's such an atmos-dependent game. You need to get people generating fear hormones and making each other jump.
Captain Zoom
14:16 / 21.05.02
Agreed. I think it could be scary if it was set up like a LARP, or like that video game that came out not long ago that would e-mail and voice mail you and stuff. Across a message board I think it might just become another collaborative fiction. You'd have to co-ordinate the times you'd be online which would be fairly problematic I think. Now, if it were set up properly as a sort of RPG/scavenger hunt over the web, then it might be interesting. Hide clues that, once found and pieced together, created something scary, that'd be neat. But maintaining atmosphere would be difficult.

15:21 / 21.05.02
I saw a format that was really cool once. Basicly, the format was a series of journal entries and letters of correspondence between investigators. It was set up as a livejournal group, and worked as a colaborative piece. We could do the same here, as simply a thread where investigators share information and their findings. Basicvly, imagine if 'lithers were investigaing some spooke Lovecraftian shit, and sharing their findings in a thread. One might pick up on the evidence presented by another, make illusions to private correspondances off thread such as "That you Dr. Earnest, I have reviewed the papers you sent me, and found some interesting coorlations bewtween the symbols on the idol and those found on objects recovered from an underwater expedition in the straits." This way, the overall plot is slowly moved forward as investigators colaborate their findings, and slowly become more and more unhinged. "Funny you should mention the creature. I have been dreaming of it nightly for the previous 3 moons, and have seen little sleep. My wife worries of my growing obsession, so I take pains to hide my work from her now." Characters might also mysteriously start to disappear, be discovered by other investigators, or all sorts of fun. The challenge would be to build it slowly, in the feel of Lovecraft's writings, so the sense of madness and terror grows stedily and potently to a peak of terrified activity before the group breaks up and those who survive speak no more of their work. Though granted, the thread can always be picked up again by new investigators, seeking to find where the last ones went wrong... Sound like fun yet?
Captain Zoom
16:30 / 21.05.02
She's been giving you the eye all night Haus. You get a +2 to you roll.

16:59 / 21.05.02
Haus did we mention the tavern in question was called the Slaughtered Lamb?

Btw Cusm you have so got to read De Profundis All about sending disturbing letters to your friends, a correspondence rpg possibly?
We're The Great Old Ones Now
17:10 / 21.05.02
I want to try to seduce the busty tavern wench. Shall I roll d10?

Haus, must you poke the wasps' nest with your stick? A couple of syllogisms for you:

No being mean in the nice thread on RPG = no peeved and endless discussions of RPGs in the Policy.

Coming down here and pissing on the discussion about RPG = people getting cross and stamping their feet in the Policy, putting posts in Film & TV etc.
18:34 / 21.05.02
Nick, if you believe that RPGing, being as it is a creative activity, belongs ipso facto in the creation, then more power to its elbow. I shall bake it a cake.
18:35 / 21.05.02
Heaven forbid anyone start a discussion about the D&D movie.

18:37 / 21.05.02
De Profundis

Yes! That's the one! I heard about that one awhile ago, but forgot the name. I wanna play!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:30 / 21.05.02
Haus: If you roll a 10, she might let you touch her tits with your claw.

I don't know how well the messageboard format will lend itself to this, but it's worth a shot. If not, there's plenty of other ways you could do this- set up a chat-room, or whatever- and this thread will be useful for co-ordination, no?
21:40 / 21.05.02
I don't about CoC, but a message board can be used for rpging. In the old AD&D fido echo, back before the time of this new-fangled internet, they had a game going on. I know there's a livejournal community that does the rpging thing too. So it is feasible.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
23:15 / 21.05.02
Haus: good CoC is unquestionably creative. It demands more commitment to imagination than other RPGs because the game is supposed to produce genuine fear. If it doesn't, the slow pace and tortuous plots are tedious.

That doesn't mean I'd be happy with open RPG season in the Creation. I think that would probably decimate the forum. But a civilised and contained discussion does not merit immediate censure, especially not in the form most familiar to anyone who has ever played an RPG: mockery.
11:47 / 22.05.02
Technical difficulties aside, I still fail to see the problem in having a thread dedicated to a CoC campaign. It would be a thread that would combine all the creative elements of the Play and Colaborative Fiction threads.
14:36 / 22.05.02
This is why I suggest the format as a series of letters from investigators. That makes it more colaborative fiction than RPG, while keeping the fun feel bits of a CoC RPG. Adapting the idea to a board, you start off by stating this board is established for the mutual benefit of scattered investigators seeking to work together to uncover some mystery. Let people be creative from there. The role playing comes in in reacting to other's posts, the fiction in coming up with what clues of unspeakable horrors your investigator comes up with.

You start by identifying yourself (eg: Dr. Ogre Hemenson, professor of Anthropology in the University of Kenya), and how you came to gain access to this board through the occult circles and contacts (eg: Suggested by one of my brothers in the Masonic Lodge, Royal Society, or whatever). And then, offer your plot hook for entering this discussion. Feed off eachother from there to create a horrifying conspiracy of supernatural forces beyond our control or understanding.

Granted, I'm partial to the GM-less free form approach. However, you could do this as a driven RPG. You'd just need one person to hand out bits of plot and info to characters via PM, and moderate the hell out of it to keep Haus from interjecting with "Where's the Mountain Dew?" every couple of days. That in itself is reason enough to not use the board for formal RPG type stuff. We'd be better leaving it open, so anyone interested could contribute and actually come up with a colaborative story from the message logs.
rizla mission
16:32 / 22.05.02
consider me interested.
17:48 / 22.05.02
I'd love to join in a RPG experiment here on the boards. Even if it didn't work out perfectly, this crowd guarantees that it would still have it's moments.
18:02 / 22.05.02
ok. i have a piece of plot, and I'll have everything sorted out soon and anyone who's willing to join is free to do so. It will start as a letter to which others can add elements or deepen its meanings. there will be some egg hunting across the web, also. i'll create the thread tomorrow and this one will be for notes only. this is the time to throw in your ideas, the more the better.
19:57 / 22.05.02
I've a character idea, actually. A professor of occult studies at CMU (yes, they really have that program ) who does anthropological research on modern urban legends and the occult signifigance or influences behind them. His students are a great source of research leads, any number of which he can post about. The fun bit: after a while of play, he mysteriously disappears, as CoC investigators are want to do when they actually start to get somewhere. I'll then come in as one of his students investigating his disappearance, and that student's friend when he disappears, etc, each one getting a little closer to the truth (or at least able to post about it) before they're eaten by whatever is at the bottom of it all
22:52 / 22.05.02
I think this sounds well worth a try.
17:01 / 24.05.02
I could resist no more. I started one up here.

This could be major fun if we manage to pace it right
18:25 / 24.05.02
well done, mate. I was having a lot of a problem trying to find the right approach to the thing. let's use this thread as the notes, shall we?
18:48 / 24.05.02
Ayup. Here's what I put in the topic abstract, for reference:

This is a Lovecraftian collaborative fiction, in the form of CoC RPG investigations. The goal is to form an intreiging tale of horror from the shared posts and letters of investigators, and to share in that tale through roleplaying the characters writing the letters. That is, come up with a character (suit), and post in character with your findings, plot hooks, wierd discoveries, etc.

Posts should begin dry with an acedemic bent of sharing information, and speculating upon the connections of these findings. Over time, conclusions find evidence, and a terrible unbearable truth begins to emerge. Characters should slowly become more and more unhinged as this picks up speed, possibly ending in suicides, dissappearances, obvious signs of maddness, etc. Take your time, it should gain speed very slowly.

Its pretty much free reign to work in whatever devious horror you've come up with, or just make reference to evidence of such. Speculations in character will do the rest, as it ties together into something bigger than anyone suspects. There can as easily be multiple plots running, depending on what people do with it. The format is pretty clear, work it as you can, and we'll see where it goes...
rizla mission
13:54 / 26.05.02
That's pretty cool.

I'll try and cook something up..
16:15 / 29.05.02
New post on "CoC:Urban Legends", hope it's not too straightforward
20:41 / 29.05.02
Ninjade, were you posting as Pedro, or someone forwarding his article? I'm not sure how best to interact with that one.
05:44 / 30.05.02
as someone else (sinister laughter), posting the article. But Pedro will show up in a near future
14:17 / 30.05.02

*rubs palms together*

I like the 3D tablets. I had been thinking of doing something with graphitti, like street gang tagging using occult symbols, possibly linking into an emerging movement of voodoo among street cultures. Voodoo is another classic angle, dark gods of Africa as links to dark Gods from beyond the stars. Veve's spray painted of elder signs in neighborhoods Good People (tm) don't go into for fear of mysterous dissappearances. Tie in fear of street gangs, urban culture, voodoo, drugs that make people into zombies sold as crack, terrible things that Those People (tm) do in the unseen places of the city where the police fear to tread. Hint at terrible threats to Life As We Know It (tm) brewing in the darkness. Still brainstorming.

Man, I really need to run CoC sometime. This is just too much fun
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