Ayup. Here's what I put in the topic abstract, for reference:
This is a Lovecraftian collaborative fiction, in the form of CoC RPG investigations. The goal is to form an intreiging tale of horror from the shared posts and letters of investigators, and to share in that tale through roleplaying the characters writing the letters. That is, come up with a character (suit), and post in character with your findings, plot hooks, wierd discoveries, etc.
Posts should begin dry with an acedemic bent of sharing information, and speculating upon the connections of these findings. Over time, conclusions find evidence, and a terrible unbearable truth begins to emerge. Characters should slowly become more and more unhinged as this picks up speed, possibly ending in suicides, dissappearances, obvious signs of maddness, etc. Take your time, it should gain speed very slowly.
Its pretty much free reign to work in whatever devious horror you've come up with, or just make reference to evidence of such. Speculations in character will do the rest, as it ties together into something bigger than anyone suspects. There can as easily be multiple plots running, depending on what people do with it. The format is pretty clear, work it as you can, and we'll see where it goes... |