My P.E. teachers were v. disturbing. One had a Shi-Tzu, which is a ve-e-ry bad sign in the first place, but an even worse one when she brings it to school with her. I was shit at sports, but not as shit as they thought I was - they had no idea how to encourage me, I was much better out of school and exercising alone. The accident record at my school was atrocious though - one girl got hit in the head with one of those over-sized ball-bearings shot-putters hurl about, and one of my friends nearly took out the other P.E. teacher with a javelin. ot sure if it was exactly accidental, seeing as that teacher used to refer to my friend as 'Yankee', and hit her on the arse with a hockey stick at least once. Fond, fond memories of my purple and orange goosefleshy thighs, in the dead of winter in a stupid red P.E. skirt, press ups in the mud, general humiliation, mossy (!!!) public swimming pools, etc. etc. etc. And nearly getting my finger broken *by one of the P.E. teachers*, during basketball... It swelled to several times its normal size, went fascinating colours - she made me carry on P.E., wouldn't send me to the medical room, just said, put some ice on it when you get home. My mum took me to the hospital, where they x-rayed me and put the arm in a sling... next P.E. lesson, the teacher goes "Who put that arm in a sling?" in a really "you're making such a fuss about nothing" type way. Niiice. |