Morrison's Flex Mentallo comics miniseries gets uploaded for the benefit of those 'Lithers who don't own the complete set. Morrison's webmaster expresses concern that this may lead to loss of earnings for the Esteemed One. Posts are moderated to remove links to Flex pages. Virtually everyone agrees that this is the right thing to do.
Hundreds of links are posted to songs uploaded to Audiogalaxy. Nobody bats an eyelid.
Double standards? Let's look at this logically: Morrison is currently receiving no money from Flex and won't do for a very long time, if indeed ever. If a TPB does miraculously emerge it's extremely likely that most people who've seen the story online will still go out and buy it, the differences in reading something on your monitor and in a paper copy (where you can take it to the bog, etc) being hugely important in this case.
Almost all of the Audiogalaxy tracks that have been linked to are still available to buy. Quite often those that aren't soon will be. Here the artists responsible are losing out financially.
What made the Flex Mentallo case any different from these others? If Jeff Tweedy told Tom that he wasn't happy with the links being provided on this site, would we take them down? And would it be done as swiftly as was the case with the comic? |