I remember Marvel made Spider-Man Chapter One which supposeddly was a remake of the first issues with same dialogues and new artists, but I maybe wrong. Whatever the case, I didn't like it.
Marvels, also from Marvel, may also count as a remake, depending on what we mean by remake, and its really good.
And I think all the Ultimate titles from Marvel fit the definition of remake "where an old film/story is recycled or reimagined for a new audience" pretty well. Even for myself, who could never stand The Avengers, I am deeply involved with The Ultimates, of which I strongly believe it is and will remain for a time as the cutting edge of super-hero comic book (I just hope this may not prove wrong).
I vote for a re-drawing of Invisibles. I actually vote for two remakes: one entirely drawn by Quitely, and other entirely by Jimenez. And for New X-Men, I am dreaming one day they'll come and say: hey gals, while Kordey and Sciver were covering Quitely he stayed at home drawing all the issues also, here they are in a single book, but I'm afraid I'll have to warp to another universe to see this happen.
Another title that definitely deserves a remake -not a re-launch or re-vamp- is Black Panther. There is a lot of potential in that story of how he became king. I would make it creepier, even more hidden, and more alien, very alien to western eyes. You know, in Panther there is this concept of his country being the more technollogically advanced in the world, but then they have just deployed technology for the same interests other nations have: army and weapons, public transportation and all that crap we know pretty well. I would conceive them as able to do things aliens are supposed to be able to do, space-time travel, telepathy, and mix it with a lot of techno-sorcery abilities, in the midst of a strong lovecraftian flavor. In this sense, Panther would be the ultimate african king-sorcerer. This would justify for me a lot better Panther's suit.
And now I am returning from the land of would-never-be-comics. |