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DAGON: brand new Lovecraft / Stewart Gordon movie

Mystery Gypt
07:01 / 19.05.02
the man who brought us Reanimator and From Beyond has just brought out a new film based on Shadow Over Innsmouth. i was just lucky enough to see it screened -- probably for the only time before its straight to video release. For horror / Lovecraft / unspeakable evil fans, i recommend it very very highly. Gordon is amazing at twisting the knife more visciously than most horror directors these days. his is a very dark and uncompromising vision of evil and how crisis affects people. i was quite amazed at how bad things got for everyone in the third act. it's also got hot chicks with tentacle legs, creepy guys with gills, and a vast underground layer of dark creatures actually worshipping cthullu!

to get back to an earlier argument from the board: as opposed to, say, Panic Room, this film does fantastic, harrowing stuff with its material, forcing the protagonists to make really difficult decisions about what's right and wrong while facing the business end of eternal damnation. makes you think, while still just strutting the high-action, skin-flaying good shit.
The Return Of Rothkoid
09:27 / 20.05.02
See some older discussion here ...

Would be interested to see this, methinks.
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