National Rally for Palestine
Saturday 18th May
Assemble 12.00 noon in Central London
Rally at Trafalgar Square
Speakers include: Afif Safieh, Palestinian Delegate to UK, George Galloway MP, John Austin MP, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Dr. Ghada Karmi, Betty Hunter Secretary PSC.
Organised by Palestine Solidarity Campaign, sponsored by Association of Palestinian Communities, Palestine Return Centre, Al-Awda, General Union of Palestinian Students, UCATT, NATFHE, NUJ, CND, Stop the War Coalition
For further information phone 020 7700 6192 or email info@palestinecampaign.org
That's off Media Workers Against the War who are pretty helpful.
(In case that link doesn't work, seeing as my links often don't, the URL should be: http://www.mwaw.org/article.php?sid=1090 ) |