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Something new from the Whedonverse

14:55 / 16.05.02
Okay, so Dark Angel apparently got the big cancel ax- never watched it, don't care. But it's timeslot is being handed over to a new Whedon show, "Firefly," described in the article I read as a space western. I puttered by IMDb and the fox website, found nothing beyond that. Space western, what are we talking here, like "Cowboy Bebop" space western, or "Brisco County Jr" steampunk in space kinda deal? I am antsy with my desire to know.
15:09 / 16.05.02
Dark Angel's over? So they're leaving it with the transgenics holed up in that one part of town? They never resolved the Max/Logan thing. Oh well.

Set 400-500 years in the future in a newly established Union of Planets, "Firefly" centers on
the crew of Serenity, a small transport spaceship of class firefly who will take any job -- legal or not -- to stay afloat and put bread on the table.

Sounds kind of like Cowboy Bebop/Outlaw Star sort of thing. The last western in space thing I remember was Galaxy Rangers.
12:50 / 17.05.02
Actually, I heard Firefly just got Dark Angel's BUDGET. It's most likely getting the old X-Files time slot (sunday, 9:00 pm), which means it's up against Angel and Alias.....
kid coagulant
13:01 / 17.05.02
Wait, 'Angel' is moving to the Sunday 9pm slot?
01:28 / 19.05.02
"a small transport spaceship of class firefly who will take any job -- legal or not -- to stay afloat and put bread on the table."

sounds like what Dorkin's Pirate Corp$ was all about untill he switched gears and it became Hectic Planet... so this show could be good or miserable... not sure, we'll have to watch it eh?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
13:20 / 22.05.02
ecchhh--galaxy rangers taste in my mouth...

saw a couple of teaser ads for this, FX seem ok, didnt get a good look at any actors so who knows there

I'm hoping it will be good, after the let down that was enterprise i need a space fix and andromeda isnt cutting it
13:32 / 22.05.02
Woo! Galaxy Rangers!
I always wanted a cybersteed.

Enterprise is just...meh. The first few episodes were decent. I liked the first planet they visited, but these later ones...blah. There's not enough softcore vulcan human relations.

Andromeda started out good, but its just become Hercules in Space. I think its because it's got a new writer. The new writer is all about self-contained shows wheras the old one would have a plot that carried on for 3 episodes or more.

I hope its like Crusade. That was a great show and it pisses me off that they canceled it.
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