The former, I should hope, or you're going to get flattened into the nearest tall building or mountain as it whams into you (rather than you into it) at a truly horrific speed.
Assuming you're not effected by wind currents, at cetera.
It's a lot more complex than it sounds, when you start digging. What you're looking at, essentialy, is the problem of a non-dirigible hot-air balloon. So don't ask me, ask Richard fucking Branson.
No, seriously--100m is not that high, and you're not that massive: even heavy satellites thousands of kilometers above the earth can be coaxed into geosynchronous orbits: and even they are still "falling," albeit at a very slow rate, as their orbits decay--that is, they are still in thrall toearth's gravity.
So I'd guess the former.
But just in case you're planning to actually try this--watch out for tall buildings. |