quote: Don’t hate the Taliban, that government of fanatics and semiliterate dogmatists; so many educated people have died or fled since the Soviets came in 1979! Taught in the madrassahs, the religious schools, these men do the best they can, operating by the only law they know, the Qur’an.
Oh, I don’t hate them. But I’ll be pleased to see their horribly repressive government consigned to the dustbin of history. May a democracy take root instead!
quote: Their policy toward urban educated women is brutal. So is their treatment of Shias, Tajiks and other minorities. But in their favor it must be said that rural women, who make up most of the female population, were never really educated and now they are much, much safer from rape and theft. Believe it or not, many of them adore the Taliban.
"Other minorities"include homosexuals, who are regularly put to death under their religious law. Of course, I haven't traveled to Afghanistan with the CIA, so I can't attest to how homosexuals in Afghanistan feel about the Taliban. Perhaps many of them adore them! |