I've always liked "Go if you must, stay if you will" as a quarter closing, myself. I see no problem in being political with the Powers That Be. I think some folks get a little too wrapped up in what they might call "high magick" sometimes. But this does bring up something I was just chatting about on a different list today. (syncronicity, anyone?)
When one works magick, one assumes a role of command. One steps into the role of the divine and acts with the authority of one in a position to command the forces at work. To a certain extent, the magickian becomes God, in as high an aspect necessary for the working at hand. So, the level of command vs supplication used demonstrates the level you are putting yourself at in relation with the spirits. One should hope it is not higher than you are actually authorized for 
When one prays, one asks of higher powers to do something, as one in a positon lower than them. So sometimes, you may not want to use the asking approach, as this implies authority over you by the spirits in question.
The balance I shoot for is as one of authority to make the request, but done so in a polite and respectable manner. As one member of the celestrial beaurarcracy to another, I respectfully request you to preform your duty in this manner, in accordance with powers above each of us.
As for what one's place is in the celestrial beaurarcracy, one source I can't recall (I think it may have been By Oak Ash and Thorn) suggests this: Demons, unclean spirits, base elementals and the dead are below, as children. Nature spirits, angels, demigods, fae, elementals with personality, animal spirits, and most anything that can still relate to humanity are peers, as a brother or sister, or lover. Archangels, elemental lords, quarter powers, lesser gods, Loa, are above us but not beyond our reach, such as an older sibling or an aunt or uncle. Major Gods, archetypes, or beings of that level are superior to us, relating far more with the source of divinity than with humanity, and so should be treated as parents. That's a lot of my reinterpretation of it, but I think its a good guide to go by, as that is about what the spirits in question will expect from most to begin with. |