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DMT Extraction

21:03 / 10.05.02
Has anyone actually tried to make the stuff? It doesn't sound too difficult from what I'm reading on Erowid. The reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacae) looks like a good source to work with. Anyone have experience with distilation, or tips to share?
22:16 / 10.05.02
I have tried and failed. I may try again - this stuff grows easily.

Once, I tried doing an ayahuasca extraction, and in an absentminded move, substituted vinegar for lime juice, then thought, "Oh shit! Tyramines!" and dumped it. Which, from what I've read since, probably wasn't necessary. And I probably shouldn't have been making one big stew of rue & phalaris anyway.

Then I got a wheat grass juicer, but the resulting "resin" never did anything for me.
06:41 / 24.06.02
I too have tried the dried-out wheat grass gunk, and got nothing. Sooner or later, I plan to try again with a Syrian Rue extract followed by a brew of wossname leaves... as soon as I remember which ones they were. I guess I'll have to go do all my research again, all I remember is what not to combine with a MAO inhibitor.

Boy in a Suitcase
01:54 / 26.06.02
A little over a year ago, I shared a room with an Iranian expatriate Chemistry student and gentleman rugby player. We were both also inconsolable drug fiends and had a whole scheme going to make DMT since he had access to a chemlab. (I still have fond memories of him looking over my shoulder at the computer screen while I browsed Erowid and saying "You go into the 5th dimension and see aliens?? Holy fucking shit, let's smoke that shit!") We also lived next to a nursery that sold squares of reed grass for $9–but somehow this plan never worked out (chalk it up to the mass laziness incurred by the mass dope we used to smoke). Sadly I have no chemical knowledge myself so I can't make it... ah, me. The one time I got to smoke DMT, with my spooky-keen occult mentor, it turned out to be the non-alien 5-MeO-DMT and we only got a hit each, which translated into just feeling really stoned (combined with a sensation like the world was like Saran Wrap being slowly pulled apart).
If anybody here makes some, or knows of somebody who has, I would like to be your special friend.
07:13 / 26.06.02
If anybody here makes some, or knows of somebody who has, I would like to be your special friend

I wholeheartedly second that.

Stone Mirror
12:49 / 26.06.02
"C'mon! Be my bitch! I need a love monkey!" -- Barry Ween, Boy Genius
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