Persephone: ninja
Mordant: despite pirates being heavy on rum, sodomy, and most especially the lash, ninja.
Tezcatlipoca: pirate, because I vaguely remember you saying you're from Cornwall.
Maominstoat: Pirate. Arrr!
Kegboy: Parrot. I mean, sorry, pirate.
uncle retrospective: it's hard, but, I reckon, pirate - though a rockin' pirate who likes to watch ninja films and sleeps in cool ninja gear.
wembley: pirate
grant: ninja
Trijhaos: pirate, but giggly and burpy when drunk
Margin Walker: pirate, I reckon
Paleface: hell, ninja.
the Fool: ninja, because Fools are very nimble and athletic, good qualities for an assassin.
bear: ummm... ninja, I think.
sleazenation: ditto
Cherry Bomb: pirate |