Well, er, I really like 'beard-hop'. And I like 'normal' hip-hop or whatever the appropriate term is too.
They've got a different focus, they're going for different things. Dismissing one cos it's not the other is kind of limiting.
Yeah, if you're looking for groove n' flow n' fun, beard-hop probably isn't the best place to look. But if you're looking for some of the maddest noise and mindbending-est words around, then it surely is.
(Tho if you ask me, the Wu-Tang, who are often held up as the pinnicle of non-beard hip-hop, can be a hell of a lot more dense and anti-pop than, say, Quannum on occasion).
And I don't think "wilfully obscure and painful sounding" neccesarily equates with 'rock' automatically. I see what you're getting at, but: "Yeah .. wilfully obscure and painful sounding, like, uh, Aerosmith". I suppose beard-hop appeals to the same kind of people who dig post/math rock and underground glitchy electronica and such like, because these genres all put the priority on intelligence and innovation and crazy noise, which, and here's the important bit again, ISN'T NECESSARILY A GOOD THING, BUT ISN'T NECESSARILY A BAD THING.
It all depends on what yr looking for from yr music at a particular moment in time.. |