Pot is nice. I know better than someone at the Ministry of Health or a police dude whether or not it's going to do me any good. I can get stoned, eat chips, look at my hands, watch TV and laugh at nothing. Why this is illegal, I cannot say, but I do know that legalising it would make it more difficult for vicious cartels to own the market.
Also, on a daily basis, the police bitch about not having enough resources, and then they go and bust people for having maraphanalia* and a little bit of pot, so, they can go about the important business of beating up hippies and have one less thing to get concerned about.
* marijuana paraphenalia: drug paraphanalia is illegal here, in a landmark law passed in 1999, which nearly made teaspoons illegal, because they could be used in the consumption of heroin. You can get around it really easily, and sales of 'acryllic vases' are on the rise. |