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Return of the son of cocksmoker!

autopilot disengaged
21:57 / 03.05.02 someone who wasn't even here when it was mooted. but, fuck it. let's do this. the non-specific Barbelith R&D headfuck project. sign yr immortal soul on the line and state, clearly and without undue embellishment whether you're up for a)txt b)img or c)coding. or, y'know d)whatever...

personally, i'm staking my name on editorial and writing duties.

yr turn.
Mr Tricks
22:41 / 03.05.02
I can contribute some Ilustrations...

There also some of the design work i did for the 1,000,000 words incarnation...
wembley can change in 28 days
22:52 / 03.05.02
d), c'est moi.

i'll get more specific when everyone else does.
The Knowledge
15:24 / 04.05.02

I'm up for this! Do I get to say 'FlubberyGutFucket?' That would rule

Yo, those Barbelith covers that PATricky did are cool. Nice one son!
Knight's Move
15:55 / 04.05.02
d sounds good for me. Those covers are superb.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
11:43 / 05.05.02
PAT, awesome work on those covers
Auto, i would be totally down for some design/writing work, we could do a point counter point

Ill work some stuff up on my vacation and let you all see it when i return
The Knowledge
13:21 / 05.05.02
Okay PAT. I will send you a short piece of work I recently completed entitled 'heroes'. Check your messages!
rizla mission
16:18 / 05.05.02
Hang on, wasn't Cocksmoker Flyboy's ill-fated but theoretically brilliant celebrity libel zine, rather than the general Barbelith Anthology one?
autopilot disengaged
21:44 / 05.05.02
no idea. can live with or without title, is ok.

the project i'm suggesting here isn't so much a fanzine anyway - it's a web page. it's a strange web page without any introductory info or contextualizing data, that you enter like a tunnel of love, that you experience like some strange, chaotic trip.

there will be various hyperlinks scattered about the place. they will lead to other pages that have little or no relation to the one you've just been to. all work will be uncredited and open source.

i'd suggest there be an editorial team, and an anonymous submissions process (at least in the first instance). some trusted barbeloid to act as go-between - forward pieces on. this should put paid to allegations of unfairness or favouritism in the selection process.

the anonymous nature of the site will also, i hope, discourage people from offering up fragments of their life's work. i think it's much better to approach this with a spontaneous and playful attitude. the go-between can record authorship details for future ref - but for now i think we should concentrate on building an experience, not an anthology.

whaddya say?
22:09 / 05.05.02
yes. yes yes yes. i'm here to smoke (non-specific) cock, and i'm gonna like it.
Regrettable Juvenilia
17:03 / 06.05.02
Um... *raises hand*...

I'm fully prepared to admit that the original idea for 'Cocksmoker' failed to get off the ground largely due to my own apathy and incompetence, but I'm still kind of attached to the idea of leaving the name and the original concept, well, attached. Let me see if I can dig out the original CS manifesto, if anyone's still interested in that, but I suspect what auto has in mind deserves its own name...
Mr Tricks
18:23 / 06.05.02
So, I'm guessing Flyboy wants to cultivate his concept for cocksmoker a bit more... should be persue a different working title for this "project?"

I guess 1,000,000 words is still floating about but it's not a title I came up with, so I couldn't say 4 sure...

any other thoughts?
Jack Fear
19:39 / 06.05.02
For what it's worth, just found the original Cocksmoker manifesto archived via the Wayback machine, or somesuch... Forthwith, in all its glory, etc.

Below is the first draft of the intro/manifesto for issue#1 of 'Cocksmoker', a London-based "anti-fanzine" that I'm putting together with a couple of dubious friends and chancers. Read, digest and give feedback of any kind.

"Hello and welcome, all of you, to issue #1 of COCKSMOKER, the magazine for the modern urban desperado.

We’re serious about this. These are desperate times. We live in a time and place (London, England, in the Autumn of 2000 A.D.) when both popular and ‘high’ culture have become overrun by pseudo-ironic fraudsters, shrill sycophantic hangers-on and slumming mockney wannabes. No sooner has a new and exciting cultural development occurred but it is assimilated, toned-down and co-opted into the pastel grey IKEA soulless zeitgeist-lite that dominates the post-Britpop, post-lad, post-Ibiza, post-post-everything Britain of today.

Enough is, Frank Quitely, enough.

We are the frontline in the battle against such bollocks.

We despise with an unquenchable hatred Guy Ritchie, Kelly Brook, Travis, Jamie Oliver, Nick Hornby and anyone who’s ever set foot inside the VIP room of Brown’s nightclub.

We venerate Mos Def, Chris Morris, Valerie Solanas, Queens of the Stone Age, the Marquis De Sade, Grant Morrison, and William Blake. If you’re not familiar with all of these people, then don’t worry. Stick with us. You’ll learn.

We’re ambivalent about Madonna, Shoreditch, Martin Amis, Lil’ Kim, Big Brother, Tracey Emin, UK garage, Russell Crowe, recreational drug use, and The Marshall Mathers LP.

We reserve the right to change any or all of the above opinions at the drop of a hat.

We intend out target audience to be largely comprised of teenage lesbian anarchists, strung-out cross-dressing b-boys and twentysomething alcoholic virgins who know their Bible.

We expect the audience we will get will be mostly comprised of the same coke-addled media wankers as everybody else. But what the hell. ‘You Can’t Always Get What You Want’, as Keith Allen once told us as we searched for someone to buy smack off on a lonely, rainy night in Soho. (At least, we think he said his name was Keith Allen. Tall, thin bloke with long blonde hair. Chinese.)

We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it any more.

COCKSMOKER: It’s not a London ting.

COCKSMOKER: We Aren’t You."


I'd also like to invite any and all members of the Underground to submit material for inclusion. The general vibe will be: irreverent, bordering on libellous critiques of (largely British) popular culture - frivolous in tone but scathing as fuck.

The look will be lo-fi, lo-tech in the extreme: black and white, badly photocopied, stapled together and generally fucked up. It'll be free. The plan is to litter various insalubrious London drinking holes, coffee shops and bookshops with it until they start asking fo it by name. The cover of issue#1 will be Guy Ritchie (a direct steal, badly photocopied and possibly with a Hitler moustache pencilled on, of the cover of a recent Time Out), with the words LORD OF THE MANOR? Guy Ritchie: An 'Appreciation' beneath. Every issue will have an 'Appreciation' column, in which a fashionable figure in the public eye is given a good verbal kicking.

Dead simple: if you want to get involved - e-mail me.

Over and out.
The Knowledge
20:21 / 06.05.02

"Hello. I'm Guy Ritchie. You've probably heard of me. I'm married to Madonna! And, when I'm not married to Madonna, I like to fuck little ki...Oh, hang on, sorry - wrong meeting! What I meant to say was that when I'm not married to Madonna, I'm directing crazy British gangster films like Snatch (starring Brad Pitt and that quintessential Brit thesp Vinny Jones). Oh yeah, and I also done that Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.

(Starring my mate Vinny! He's a hard bastard! He beat me up once! And he's shagged my missus. Took it like a dog, she did. Dirty slut).

When the editors at Cocksmoker asked me to write an introduction for their first issue, I was overawed! "I can't write for shit" I told them. "I've only got two GCSE's" I told them, but blessed dears that they are, they told me that I was just the voice they was looking for, and that made me very happy.

I aint yet seen fuck all of this issue. I 'ave got it on me desk at home but I've been in Greece the last three weeks filming me latest film. Starring the missus. She's an awful fucking actress but she sucks me fucking cock twice a day and believe you me if I had to choose between sacrificing any integrity I do 'ave in the public eye and getting me nuts bitten off by the Queen of the damned I'll choose the former thank you very much!

So, Cocksmoker. It's an odd name but I figure it must be written by faggots. I aint got nothing against fags mind, I've got one in me next film and all that, so you know, I'm all behind them.

I hope you enjoy Cocksmoker. I'm sure I will!
autopilot disengaged
20:58 / 06.05.02
hm. cocksmoker sounds a lot like our brighton-based zine, it came from the sea.

so, this should have a different name. and everything. i think '1000000 words' might be a bit excessive too, unless we get a sudden deluge of contributors. that's more a weighty anthology. this is a non-specific web-based temporary autonomus zone.

anyone have any thoughts on the plan as outlined so far?
22:14 / 06.05.02
i do. hahahahahaha. oh yes. yes i do.
it's big and swirly and makes you go "huh?! wha?! oooo! eep!" all at once.

but i doubt anyone'll listen to me. but as soon as everyone decides what to do then i'm here and will wholeheartedly join in.
The Knowledge
22:37 / 06.05.02
rizla mission
15:31 / 07.05.02
I think Autopilot's idea is good.

And Cocksmoker's good too.

(Though Moby's already got a new (suitably shit) single out, so my contribution to the latter is out of date, oh well..)
22:20 / 08.05.02
Why isn't this fucker moving? Why isn't anything happening? Can we agree on someone who we could send stuff too with mind for some sort of "selection"? And as work builds up, someone who can think about all the web malarkey... I'd like to see this happen.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:33 / 10.05.02
Why isn't this fucker moving? Why isn't anything happening?

Following after:

as soon as everyone decides what to do then i'm here and will wholeheartedly join in.

Oh my sides.
11:17 / 10.05.02
yes yes, that's all very well and good, but i didn't start the thing, and the topic seemed to have gone completely inactive. I've got all manner of things which could be used for such a project, some good, some not so good. And I didn't want to "take control" of pilot's initiative. But if other people actually posted here, then we could get round to organising a system by which work could be filtered through. And that's all my postings where about, and *shock* weren't deadly serious. yes, that's right, it was a joke.

Oh shit, I'm using the orignal Knowledge excuse.
Mr Tricks
19:04 / 10.05.02
here's something I recieved as a private message submission for Cocksmoker or whatever it's called

  • The oldest heroes in the world come from Greek mythology. Hercules. Achilles. Basically if the name has an ?es suffix it?s a safe bet the fucker?s Greek. It?s also a safe bet that they?ve never existed.

    Two heroes that do exist are Mohammed Ali and George Best. Ali is most famous for being involved in a sport where the object is to pummel your opponent into submission, and George is famous for his ability to kick a round shaped ball between three long sticks.

    When I sit back in my fat Leather swing chair and ponder, as I do sometimes on these cold winter nights, I occasionally find myself comparing the old Greek heroes to these so-called sports stars. When was the last time you read in the paper that David Beckham had taken on and defeated Cerebus, the three-headed hound that guards the gates of Hell? The closest David has come to that was when Vinny Jones tackled him in an English-Welsh friendly and even then he lost the fucking ball. I wonder whether maybe our current state of affairs is the result of a millennia?s worth of inbreeding.

    What if, many moons ago, a distant family of homo sapiens, superior in intellect to us, crash landed on the barren planet earth.

    What if they only bred with other alien species from their distant planet, to avoid the obvious problems that dog Hillbilly Southern America in particular.

    Food for thougfht.

    Another thing I ponder is world records. ?My god, that man can throw a javelin further than Archie Blowhard did in 1406. Quick, give him a medal.? I?m not a pessimist. I?m all for being productive with our sports heroes. For example, why don?t we save money on military planes, which cost us millions and millions, by building bombs shaped as large pointy poles and then send our best javelin throwers into the field of battle to fight the good fight?

    A distant cousin of mine, in his pubic years, took up a keen interest in comicbook superheroes. When I would on occasion visit him, he would take great joy in showing me the illustrations in said comics, and, whilst it would be wrong of me to feign that I took some heartfelt interest in the comics he showed me, it would be fair to say that the rather childish little drawings and caricatures were somewhat memorable.

    ?RATMAN? screamed a ?pop-tastic? logo from the front cover of one of these little pulp novels. I endeavoured to discover what powers this Ratman had, and, whilst I found the little speech bubbles somewhat hard to make out, having not thought to bring my reading glasses, I am quite certain that this fellow had absolutely no super-powers at all! What?s more, I discovered that this hero had a sidekick named ROBBER! How terrible I thought, when society in this day and age looks to the petty criminals for heroic inspiration. I scolded the boy and gave him thirty lashes.

    When my father was not busy in the factory, he would sit me down by the fire and tell me tales of my grandfather who was a fighter pilot in the Second World War. These were grand tales, that made me believe in the majesty of the heroic ideal, the fundamental value of sacrifice, and more than anything they made me realise that all heroes were essentially desperate men, because I myself became desperate to be a hero, just like my grandfather in these amazing stories my father would tell me - Of dog-fights over Berlin, and stealth missions through the heart of Frankfurt.

    It did not dawn on me until many years later that my grandfather was killed in the war, and hence my father could not have known about his exploits. Under further investigation I discovered that my grandfather was actually captured two days after the war started, when his plane malfunctioned over Munich. He served as a boot polisher for the highest ranks of the Third Reich, before being personally executed by Hitler in 1944.

    My father was a compulsive liar, and was not to be trusted.

I'll come up with some illos time permitting...

in the mean time the biggest question I have seems to orbit around web-server space & an actual URL...

Yay Paul
16:31 / 11.05.02
PAT how big is this thing likely to get?
Coz i have space we could use as long as its not a super sized cucumber...
Mr Tricks
18:14 / 11.05.02
I think that's a question Auto-pilot can best answer.
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