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Ok..working on a project here...

Saint Keggers
03:59 / 02.05.02

I'm working on a series of pictures (ala Dave Mckean) based on the Alice in Wonderland books. Its going to be a sort of American McGee's Alice...but not as cartoony. Alice in Wonderland meets Seven. So I'm looking for any female who lives in around or near the Montreal area and would be willing to participate in the pictures.
betty woo
16:05 / 02.05.02
I don't live in Montreal, but I will be in town May 31-June 3. Dunno if that fits with your timeline. On the plus side, I do have a couple of demented Alice-type outfits and a sick sense of humor...
Saint Keggers
18:04 / 02.05.02
Any chace you also happen to look like Alice?
Saint Keggers
18:06 / 02.05.02
Chance..I meant any chance you might also look like Alice. Yes. Thats what I meant.
21:03 / 02.05.02
She's got a livejournal page with entries that occasionally link to images of her... fashion adventures.

I'd be into it.
Captain Zoom
21:34 / 02.05.02
This is soooo cool. When you're done I must see the pics. I am absolutely cuckoo for cocoa puffs about Alice in Wonderland.

And having met Ms. Woo, I think she'd make a fantastic Alice. Now if you need a Mad Hatter.......

Saint Keggers
22:37 / 02.05.02
Betty: WOW! Thats all I can say so far. I saw the site and wow! Looking through the fotos was great..till I got to the red outfit and then the one with the spikes..nexthing I know im doing furious sketches combining both of them and the queen of hearts inspiration overdrive.
But so far yeah..definitly an Alice.
I'll let you know more once I get everything set (shooting place, lighting ect)

Capt. Zoom: We got problems. I had seriously considered you for the Mad Hatter (as I hadnt considered anyone else yet) but going through the But what do you look like thread, it seems you look just like a mummy (a mad mummy yes)..and that wont do. Although its a whole new ballgame when out of nowhere Alice has tea with mummy.

Just to let all you great folks kow in advance..I cant pay any of yous. Time for pics would be about the best I could do and perhaps an invite to the openning if I ever get these in a gallery or something...
betty woo
13:53 / 03.05.02
Thanks! I'm especially pleased with the spiked outfit - the design was based on a Floria Sigusmondi sculpture, and it's great fun to wear in crowded clubs. And Zoom would, indeed, make an excellent Mad Hatter.
Saint Keggers
17:08 / 03.05.02
I was up till 6 in the morning with thoughts of Alice running through my head! ARrr! (and not the pirate kind)
Regular AIW..AIW in victorian times, AIW in space (that one is way cool concept wise)
Now I not only want to do photos but Sculpy models too!!!!
Must rob bank and retire to secret evil-artist hideout
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