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Spider-Man rocks, I promise


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02:56 / 02.05.02
boy howdy... all must go. I saw a screenign tonight. Score, great, subtle, not LOOK, I'M DANNY ELFMAN, DOING A SCORE, more like...hey, here's some sublte music for you all to enjoy.
Loved it...
go see it
that's all
PLEASE FOR THE LOVEAGOD knock Scorpion King out of Number 1 this week...
15:30 / 02.05.02
I'm grinning like a monkey.

Of course, I'll have to wait until June until I publicly wet myself in the cinema.

(Disclaimer: I had an unhealthy Spider-Man obssession when young. It still manifests itself occasionally. I can't stop it, I just have to go with it....)
18:08 / 02.05.02
I think you'll love this fight scene, then.
18:46 / 02.05.02
Holy fuck. That excited me so much I showed my mum, I must also thank you for reliving my wholly shite mood.

It looks really well done! Man....

I must stop typing before I'm 100% geek.
15:44 / 03.05.02
Actually, there's more:

Parker kid gets bitten

Osbourne doing villain stuff

Spidey saves random kid

Spidey totally flipping out across a bridge
22:48 / 03.05.02
Ok I saw this at 12 this afternoon and I have to tell you.... IT WAS FUCKING GREAT!

I wasn't a big fan of the whole retelling of the origin thing, the glossy ass cgi teasers, and the green goblins lame power-ranger-looking get up, but fuck it, it was fantastic. People were actually clapping and cheering in the theater. I was like, "is this episode two? Am I in the right movie?" I walked out of there wanting to do back flips in tights. GG still looks a bit shit but who the fuck cares the movie is about Peter Parker and Spiderman... all is well.
22:50 / 03.05.02
god, I think that was me actually gushing.
01:43 / 04.05.02
Gushing? There goes another sign of the apocalypse!

How early can you see a movie like this without being Fatbeard McFanboy? Well, I went to that showing this PM, and I have to say I loved the movie. Big thumbs up on Tobey Macguire's acting and on the comic book flavor to the whole movie. It captured old school Spider Man's flippant view of life excellently.

A few minor problems with the cgi work, and some iffy dialogue in places, but otherwise, a really fun movie.
02:24 / 04.05.02
I'll chime in with a big thumbs up as well. Raimi pretty much nailed the tone of the best written Spidey stuff; there were only a couple of minor missteps. Erin gave it the 'best blockbuster I've ever seen' rating, with which I had to agree. Big points to Raimi, David Koepp and the actors for making the characters real - once that's done the plot doesn't even matter much.

And I didn't dislike the Goblin costume nearly as much as I thought I would. It looks a lot better in motion than the stills indicate. The CGI is well-integrated, and the swinging through the city stuff rocked. Also loved the big Nazi cat from Oz as JJJ.

Best. Comic feature. Ever. (Not counting Ghost World.)
02:37 / 04.05.02
Yep. Gotta agree. Go see this movie. Great characterization, smooth dialogue (some cheesy bits between hero and villain but otherwise you genuinely become interested in the characters) excellent acting by all involved, fantastic chemistry between Dunst (Rowr!) and McGuire and some slick ass cgi (with only a handful of bumps) and rollercoaster camera work out the proverbial yin-yang. Yes kids, at last a comic book movie that doesn't run like cheap porn without sex scenes.

Cameron, if you're out there, I once mocked Raimi's ability to pull this off and not have it suck. This is me eating my words with a big fat spoon.

Now I'm off to shower this geek spunk off of me.
03:00 / 04.05.02

Saw it today with my girlfriend, until a month ago she didn't know who dr. octopus was (she liked the name, though). We laughed, we cried. Charged romantic scenes that I actually cared about. The Green Goblin was a subplot! The revisit to the Gwen Stacy/freefall incident made my heart ache. Best fucking movie I've seen in a long time. It might have helped that the last movie I saw before it was Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back(eugh).
19:14 / 05.05.02
Christ. Estimates now put Spiderman's opening weekend take at $114 million, which I believe makes it the highest grossing weekend box office ever.
Matthew Fluxington
20:18 / 05.05.02
I saw it this weekend with my mom and little brother - I liked it a whole lot, Raimi really nailed just about everything great about Spider-Man. I think Tobey Maguire was a great Peter Parker, and the script was really well-done. I have absolutely no complaints about the film, it's solid. I don't think you could ask for a better Spider-Man movie. I think it's a good movie for kids, too. The audience of the theatre I was in was mostly little kids, and they all loved it, I could tell. All the little boys doing Spidey moves outside of the theatre made me smile.
20:26 / 05.05.02
Yes indeed. This movie is pure gold. really captures the character, and everything that works about the character and his world. Bravo, Raimi & Co.!
Knodge - YOUR nemesis!
23:08 / 05.05.02
Agree with everyone. This movie was brilliantly done. The scenes where he was swinging through the city were awesome and the characterization was very well done. This is what Spiderman is all about.

Tons of kids at the theatre when I was there and they all seemed to love it.
Perfect Tommy
01:09 / 06.05.02
I thought it was a little slow--which I thought was a hell of a sin for a comic book movie--but the characterization was spot on.

I think I was a little disappointed (only to be expected when I'd been waiting for this movie for 22 years or so), but I still liked it.
bio k9
01:34 / 06.05.02
I too had been waiting my entire life for this film...and I liked it. The casting was perfect and the Spiderman costume rocked like a motherfucker.

The previews were: Scooby Doo, some Adam Sandler movie (that everyone seemed to think was funny), Men In Black II (looks just like the first one, should be ok), the Hulk (which was just a tease since its due summer 2003, the guy next to me said "Ahhhh, that it? What a rip."), and Episode II (which no one made a sound for- theres no way Episode II can suck and still be the biggest movie of the year).

We showed up 45min early and the show was sold out. Bought tickets for a show 30min later and when we came back it was sold out too. We went inside and they told us we could go to screen 6, 7, or 8. Three screens all starting at the same time, all sold out. That doesn't happen that often here. And a shit load of kids, man. And yeah, they loved it.
Saint Keggers
02:30 / 06.05.02
Well Im going to go against the grain here and say I was unplussed about it. I thought Tobey McGuire was Horrid. He was the perfect loser. And then the perfect loser pretending to be Spiderman. Spiderman didnt seem heroic. I though he seemed like a little weeny 24/7. Blah. Should have gotten Xander from buffy guy. As for the Gobby I liked the actor. The role was perfected by him...him in his power rangers badguy suit. Gah! The cameos were great. Stan, Joxter Xena and ofcourse Ash. Wild. 7/10
13:27 / 06.05.02
I liked the Spiderman stuff tons (especially the brachiation), but thought the romantic bits were pretty dreadfull. MJ's confession at the end left me wondering if she'd been watching the same film I was. Talk about out of the blue.

Still, good stuff. and excellent franchise opener.
15:23 / 06.05.02
KEGboy- The cameos were great. Stan, Joxter Xena and of course Ash. Wild.

I saw Joxter, and that other guy from Xena (Brisco County Jr.) was the microphone guy at the wrestling match, but where was Xena? I didn't see her and I've seen this movie twice.
Saint Keggers
15:54 / 06.05.02
She was the punk girl who mention spiderman having 6 arms.
16:40 / 06.05.02
yeah right!
Mr Tricks
19:28 / 06.05.02
This MOVIE Rocked So HARD

Finnally a comic-to-Movie as it always should have been!!!

Far better than Superman, BATMAN, BLADE, The CROW etc...

SAM RAIMI should spend the rest of his life documenting the adventures of Spiderman on the Big SCREEN!!!
TOBEY MAGUIRE should play Peter Parker untill they've reached movie #10 then they can consider a purely digitial version...

The soundtrack ROCKED!!!

GREEN GOBLIN was great!!!

Harry OSBOURN should become the HOBGOBLIN!!!

I felt like a 7 year old watching it!!!

Candy for the FAT-BEARD or the casual observer...

excellent use of design & Color themes

Good choice with the "organic web shooting"...
19:38 / 06.05.02
daughter and I loved it as well
19:43 / 06.05.02
Impulsivelad: you called Bruce Campbell "that other guy from Xena (Brisco County Jr.)"

Doesn this mean you haven't seen the Evil Dead movies? Get to the video store, now.
19:46 / 06.05.02
Good choice with the "organic web shooting"...

Still haven't decided about this one. I liked PP inventing the web shooters - shows off his science knowledge and general mental ability. Makes him a dork instead of a loser. But I'm not sure it would have worked on the screen...

And one critic wouldn't have been able to describe the webs as "stick white goo which shoots out and covers everything, at least until he learns some wrist control." Har.

[Trailer Voice] In A World, where everything is a Dick... [/Trailer Voice]
Margin Walker
20:14 / 06.05.02
I saw Joxter, and that other guy from Xena (Brisco County Jr.) was the microphone guy at the wrestling match,

That would be the inimicable Bruce Campbell of Army of Darkenss fame. Like videodrome said, you're missing out on a great flick. BTW, that was the first laugh of the movie for me, seeing Bruce in that goofy Elvis gold lame get-up.

I dunno why I didn't like it as much as everybody else seems to. Don't get me wrong, I liked it--just not estatically so. Here's some ideas on why I didn't go all cocoo-for-coco puffs for it:

1) I saw it at a matinee with only 4 other people in the theatre, so maybe the lack of audience interaction made it less exciting.

2) I'm more familiar with the extroverted, smart-alecky Spider Man than the shy, introverted Peter Parker. The flick had alot of the latter and not alot of the former. In fact there was probably less than 10 lines of dialogue for Spider Man, but a whole hell of a lot of lines for Peter Parker.

3) As someone stated before, the relationship with MJ was the main plot while the Green Goblin was the subplot, as if it was the MacGuffin to make the flick. So it didn't have as much action as I'd hoped. Call me simple, but when I want a romantic movie, I see a romantic movie and when I watch an action movie, I want ass-whuppin' and lots of it.

4) It's more the nature of the character than anything Raimi & Co. is responsible for, but it was really (for lack of a better term) simple. I'm kinda in the Frank Miller camp in that I like my protagonists to be conflicted, walking inbetween the shadows & the light. So I guess this is kinda related to wanting Spider Man to be more of a smartass than the "Gee, gosh willickers!!" Peter parker in the script.

So there's my $.02. Iliked it, I thought it was good, but I don't think it's the best thing since the Polio vaccine. BTW, I didn't see Stan Lee (but I wasn't looking either). What cameo did he have?
20:18 / 06.05.02
Stan the Man is in the Times Square scene, around the point where things start falling to the ground. It's brief - a couple shots in motion. Didn't see N'Sync, though. Oh. Wait. They're in that other movie.
21:31 / 06.05.02
Don't I feel like an ass... ok ok, I'll see Brisco's little movies! What are they again and in what order?
Matthew Fluxington
22:04 / 06.05.02
Margin Walker, I think the film was successful because it was true to the moralistic, responsible, ethical-to-a-fault Spider-Man, and it didn't veer off into a post 80s "flawed hero" cliche. I think it's not unreasonable to accept that some people are just good-hearted and ethical like the Spider-Man in the film and the classic comics. It's certainly no bad thing to expose millions of little kids to a hero who is genuinely and substantially heroic, and for that character to have qualities that most people can relate to.

Also, I noticed that Spidey wasn't so witty in this film, and I think that's mostly because a lot of one-liners in combat would have gotten in the way of the story and character development. He did have a levity about him, which is good. I'm sure with the next one that they make, Spidey will be a lot more wise allecky, and it will be appropriate.
Mr Tricks
22:08 / 06.05.02
Evil Dead
Evil Dead II
Army of Darkness

Yeah, I was hopping Spider-man would get more quit-whitted... saw bits of it surfacing... My hope is that as Parker gets more comfortable with his role as Spiderman, this will surface more & more.

I thought the whole aspect of him howling "YeeeHaww" as he swung on his webs was great... added a dimension to the charactor I never considered. Also the enherant dorkyness of leaving notes that read:
From your friendly neighborhood SPIDER-MAN
The Charactor is STILL such a geek/dork learning what it takes to be a Man/hero...

Rumor has it that DOC OCT & THE LIZARD are in the QUE for the sequel.

I'm praying there'll be more development for both Parker & MJ... as well as Jamison who I thought was GREAT!!!
22:12 / 06.05.02
Are you guys kidding me? Is this a joke? I've gotta be missing something here. What a load of crap that movie was. The dialogue could have been written by a 3rd grader on Ritalin.

Don't even start about how the problem is that I haven't read the comic book- I absolutely loved X-Men before I knew who the fuck Grant Morrison even was.

Sipderman was some sort of kiddie goon fest. Dull dull dull.

But then again that's just my opinion.
Margin Walker
04:07 / 07.05.02
Videodrome wrote: Also loved the big Nazi cat from Oz as JJJ.

Heh, he says my favorite line in the film: "Hey kid, ya like meat? I'll getchya some christmas meat."
Polly Trotsky
07:13 / 07.05.02
"Best I can do."

Amazing and simple, like a lemon drop.
bio k9
08:22 / 07.05.02

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