The idea of hanging from a tree is a technbique used in rebirthing rituals and initiations. The symbolic nature of Odin's sacrifice is that of rebirth, which was once a common element of traditional rites of passage. This has since been replaced by Driving licences and rits to alcohol consumption. I suggest that you do not attempt this alone, for safety and security reasons, but find a sympathetic Chaos or Magick circle, to assist in this ritual. I you are concerened about the size of tree, one could always substitute this for a pair of 'anti-gravity' boots, thoses devices that allow people to hang upside down to exercise.
As for the business with the eye, I suggest moon worship, as in some traditions, the lost eye of Odin, became the moon.
By teh way, this is a great project, and I wish you much luck in your completion of it. Please keep us posted with your efforts. |