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Ninjas v Pirates notes

Eloi Tsabaoth
13:26 / 28.04.02
It's all gold, kiddies. I just started this thread to say we have to get someone to illustrate these, make it the regular Barbelith comic strip...
rizla mission
13:46 / 28.04.02
that would be quite cool.
Tom Coates
13:58 / 28.04.02
You know this isn't a bad idea. You'd only have to have one panel per gag. It could be completely great! CAMERON!? ARE YOU STILL HERE?! WE NEED YOU!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
15:37 / 28.04.02
This is cool; and by cool, I mean totally sweet.

However, it should be made clear that Ninjas v Pirates is NOT original to the 'Lith- it all started here, and there are now several sites extolling the virtues of Ninjas (and even some lame pro-pirate bollocks.)
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
15:46 / 28.04.02
actually it likely started pre "Real ultimate power" since there seems to be a TON of pirate/ninja hijinks on the web
Rev. Wright
17:20 / 28.04.02
Regarding Ninjas and comics, may I suggest some old titles that rock.

The Fat Ninja (Silverwolf 1986) by Gary Amaro
Ninja Funnies (Eternity Comics 1986) by Dale Berry & Ken Sperry
Ninjitsu, The Art of The Ninja (Solson Publications 1986) by Peter Brody & Chuck Wojtkiewicz

and my favourite of the Ninja Turtles parodies:

Geriatric Gangrene Jujitsu Gerbils (Planet X Productions 1986) by Tony Basilicato
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
19:56 / 28.04.02
but what of the Lean Mean Dirty Gene Kung Fu Kangaroos?
Or The Bushido Blade of Zatochi Walrus?
00:01 / 29.04.02
i thought it had something to do with the "road pirates" thing in some conversation thread. there i go thinking i know what's going on again...
The Return Of Rothkoid
08:58 / 29.04.02
I'd vote for moving the original "totally sweet" thread in here, just so it doesn't get purged. It's a keeper.

But then, I've posted far too much to it, and I would say that.


15:03 / 29.04.02
I think as long as people keep adding to it, it won't get purged.

I was thinking of the Hong Kong Movie Script lower down in the Creation.

It's got ninjas in it. And, currently, it's set in Cuba. Which is a traditional hangout for historical pirates. So it wouldn't take much stretching to get the kung fu hero & the hardened private dick on the open sea.....
Eloi Tsabaoth
15:52 / 29.04.02
Y'know, I misread that last sentance as 'Pirate Dick'. Which opens up a whole new can of sassafras. Pirate PIs?
20:59 / 29.04.02
06:28 / 30.04.02
Are we talking, like, "The Maltese Parrot" or something? Cos that would rock like a bagful of bastards being pushed down some stairs.
13:41 / 30.04.02
G'wan. Hong Kong Movie script. I dare you.
Jack Fear
12:26 / 01.05.02
I'm getting a real Spy Vs. Spy vibe off the whole deal.

That's a good thing.
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