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Everything you know is wrong: Disinformation quiz

Tom Coates
11:39 / 28.04.02
There's a quiz over at disinformation at the moment called Everything You Know Is Wrong. It's definitely worth taking the quiz, and I'd be interested in how people did at it. But more importantly I think I'd be interested in people's opinions of the kind of truths presented in the test - did you believe the statistics you were given? How selective were these articles? Why are these not widely known facts?
Not Here Still
12:40 / 28.04.02
Blogged it last week; I got 17 out of 24 myself.

But I did think it was a bit bollocks, to say the least.

On the quiz, half of the 17 I got right, I didn't know the answers to; I just opted for the most 'unbelievable' or 'shocking' answers I could see.

These were generally right (without spoiling it for anyone, the anti-racist question got me) and I think that's part of what turned me off Disinfo some time ago.

There's a smug kind of feel to a lot of the site, with its 'counterculturaler-than-thou' tone. Note that it's YOU who is being lied to, because, "hey, you're a dumb schmuck, whereas we're not - by the way, do you want to buy a book? We've written one, but you'll never tell, It's only ever plugged about four times a day on our site."

There's also a massive American bias, although to be fair, Disinfo does seem to be an American site (even if the editor is an Ozzie, IIRC)

But enough of my disinfo-hatred, what about the quiz itself?

Did I believe the statistics I was given?

You mean the answers to the quiz? No. I never believe statistics 100 per cent until I've looked into them; just because Disinfo seem to think I'm wrong, doesn't mean they're necessarily right.

There seems to be a perception in Disinfo world - obvious from the name - that 'you are being lied to' and that there is a world of 'secrets and lies.' It's the conspiratorial mindset which gets me - y'know, where did Disinfo find all this "hidden" information, then?

There is a "further reading" section in the book (see the answer to question 27) so what Disinfo seem to be saying is that we are All being lied to, but they can tell what is true and what isn't.

And yes, it certainly seemed that the truths were selected to show that "everything you know is wrong" - but hey, don't forget, they've got a book to sell here.

But these aren't all widely known "facts" because, for the most part, people don't care about what they are told as much as they should do. Sad but true. Many people also don't keep note of every news item they read or see on TV - and, especially if the issue is being covered in depth, they may switch off. It's also easy, unless you are a news junkie, to miss stuff which can be made, later, to look like a major conspiracy which was kept hidden.

So it's relatively easy, with the right mindset, to convince people there are massive conspiracies, and that they are living in a world which is very different to how they assume its is.

I'm just not so sure that everyone assumes the world is the way Disinfo seems to assume they do.
solid~liquid onwards
13:20 / 28.04.02
i went to the site just before i read your post, not me again, and i got the same kinda feel. The first thing that pops up is an advert for slogan t-shirts... i hate seeing people walking around wearing t-shirts that say things like "subversive" or "counterculture" ...probably bought from (incidentally i make most of my t-shirst)

Ok, so now youve just found out everythings a lie, what are you gonna do about it?

i used to use's forums a lot before i came here, a lot of the people were very knowledgeable, but they were all far too new agey for me. last time i posted there it was on an OBE thread, and a guy said he was having trouble practicing because his wife was an insomniac or something, and i jokingly said (i even put joke in brackets afterwards) that he should slip her a pile of sleeping pills.

that comment didnt go down well :P there was a lecture on the danger of sleeping pills and their misuse, and about 5 people jumped on the bandwagon... i really cant stand an underdeveloped sense of humour.

whoops, was i bitterly ranting?
Tom Coates
13:20 / 28.04.02
I suppose this leads me to my other question - is the conspiracy mindset old-hat? Are we now too cynical about government to need a conspiracy? Or are we instead past it - in a "Cube" style - that there is no conspiracy, just individuals passing paper between each other, none of whom have a clue about the big picture...?
16:18 / 28.04.02
Yes, 'The Cube' came to me as well while I was reading this tread. That and the Garbage song Paranoid...
21:54 / 28.04.02
I got the just above passing mark, mostly 'cause I had to guess about non-specialty stuff: serial killers, for example.

In most cases, I pretty much believed what was written in the answers section, but the purely statistical evidence left less of a mark; or none where most of what I've read contradicts.

I didn't get the feeling a conspiracy was behind it all - this despite having read numerous books to the contrary. And then there's the notion that "to conspire" has a rather broad meaning that, in effect, implicates almost every planned action. I mean, is anybody under the impression that political appointments aren't conspiratorial in some way? I suppose in the right crowd I'd sound like a loon, though.

There a number of very large conspiracies that have overlapping interests...

One of the interesting bits, however, is the question about the Swastika. So? have we turned away from a powerful magical totem and given it to the bad guys? What's the thesis in the book, Tom? Is it just a shame, or is it a very bad thing?
Baz Auckland
21:56 / 28.04.02
Although the quiz was a bit silly, I've been getting their Daily Updates in my email for almost 2 years now, and am quite happy with them most days. Lots of fun links and articles to explore.
m. anthony bro
23:51 / 28.04.02
well, shit. that's a freaky quiz. 15/27
tom-karika nukes it from orbit
10:15 / 29.04.02
That's a bad quiz. I just thought 'click on the worst possible answer', and got 22/27. Too bad, although it does have some shock value.
10:46 / 29.04.02
i found the quiz to be more of a cynic-o-meter than anything else. the u.s. didn't turn out to be quite as bad as i'd assumed.

as for the swastika, some are trying to reclaim it; manwoman, an american hippy bloke, has dedicated his life to it. his body's covered in swastika tattoos. it would take a long time and a lot of effort to stop people automatically thinking 'nazi' when they see that symbol.
10:49 / 29.04.02
[in fact, check it out:]
Our Lady of The Two Towers
14:55 / 29.04.02
I got 18, guessed every single one because it's been ages since I read the book and felt distinctly unimpressed when I did read it.

I do think that conspiracy culture is retreating back to the outside of popular culture, though I think it's for the wrong reason, namely that people don't want to think about it any more, rather than what I would consider the right reason, that people are now smart enough to judge the evidence being put to them and say "no, that's wrong, that 'fact' doesn't make sense, that's jumping to a flase conclusion..." etc.
17:57 / 29.04.02
I only got 15, but then I think, having read most of the thread, I was already looking to second-guess it and didn't always give my honest answer...
I like it, and will recommend it to people, but I think it's largely a kind of "preaching to the converted" thing... if Disinfo handed it out on leaflets, I bet the results would be more interesting.
Did learn a couple of scary yet interesting things, though...
Tits win
20:37 / 01.05.02
i got 13 and i completely guessed all the answers. it recomended i buy the book. fucking capatalist SCUM!!!!!!!!!!!
20:59 / 01.05.02
15/27 "passing grade"...i fucking hate disinfo. sometimes there's an interesting article, but most of them just succomb to the traditional 'ooh spooky, nothing is as it seems and you're just a puppet!' crap. disinfo is right up there with adbusters, in my book, as being the most useless, pseudo-intellectual garbage on the planet. believe me, if "the truth" is revealed, and if there is "a truth' to speak of, it won't come from a glossy fucking magazine or a nifty, t-shirt & mug selling website. if you're so "up" on discovery, open a fucking philosophy book and shut up!
22:38 / 01.05.02
Visit the disinfo store!
The Natural Way
13:22 / 02.05.02
Whilst the ad aspect fucked me off (and the whole, oft-moaned-about, "you are ASLEEP!!!!!!!" vibe), I still found some of the info very interesting/alarming/funny, so it wasn't a complete waste of time.

Just a collection of cool "facts", really.
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