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Nostradamus prediction

solid~liquid onwards
11:23 / 28.04.02
on friday i bought an old book from the libary (for 10 pence as there getting rid of some old and out of date books, i got myself the "encyclopedia of the unexplained" and while i was leafing thropugh it earlier this afternoon, i saw a pic of the statue of liberty and below it was some writing

"Above: the statue of liberty at the entrance of new york harbour. If Nostradamus has got it right the Big Apple will one day burn under a massive aerial bombardment"

thats the breif version of the translation of

"century VI, Quatrain 97
The sky will burn at 45 degree, fire approaches the great New City. immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up when they want to have proof of the Normans"

and the translation offered by the book of this

"If this is true then New Yorkers must fear a massive aerial bombing at some point which will destroy most of the metropolis. New York County actually lies between 40 & 45 degrees parallel in the USA. The last line is typically muddeled up and no-one seems to have come up with a satisfactory explanation of his reference to "the Normans" "

the book was published in 93... so if this predicted the twin towers then what do you reckon "the Normans" refers ?
15:47 / 28.04.02
Anything you want it to refer to.
01:45 / 29.04.02
The statue of liberty is French. That would be my first guess.
14:47 / 29.04.02
"when they want to have proof of the Normans" -- the attacks showed us, by contrast, what we need to value -- i.e. freedom, safety, liberty? or is that too patriotic and flag-waving an interpretation? How else would one view "to have proof of the Normans">?
solid~liquid onwards
15:24 / 29.04.02
never heard normans in that context

then again im a bit of a retarded giant monkey :P

dont worry yourself sometimes its hard not to be scottish by an accident of birth, but i do love the place (well the highlands anyway)

eh, the pic of the statue of liberty and the translation werent by nostrodamus, i think it was just representative of new york, then again... dirty frenchies, bombing america... mabye i shouldnt of said that i have some good friends who are french :P
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