BARBELITH underground

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Mr Tricks
19:48 / 25.04.02
Well, It's my 666th post on this current incarnation of the underground... I thought I would raise the topic of this infamous number...

Anyone do much reading on Old Mr. Crawley and his choice to adopt this number...

Anyone do much Numerology to this extent... Has it been debunked, or is there an Anti-christ out there with this numerology?
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
20:27 / 25.04.02 bible course in high school included a study of the book of Revelation from a Numerology perspective. Which was really out of character for the school (a private Christian school closely affiliated with the Church of Christ), when I think about it.

Anyway, the instructor's explanation was this: All the numbers that appear in the book of Revelation are not to be taken at all literally. The nuber two, for instance, is supposed to be a symbol of courage. I think three is divinity and four is humanity, thus 12 being the perfect number (4x3=12, humanity and divinity combined). You'll find it everywhere in the book of Revelation. Think the 12 tribes, each with 144,000 members (144 being the number twelve squared) and so on.

So what does the number six stand for? Apparently, it was for the Jewish nation and the early Christians the equivalent of the number thirteen for westerners. It stood for bad mojo, basically. The instructor said that the triple six just meant three times the bad mojo, but I'd bet he really thought what I'm sure you all are thinking. Divinity x Bad Mojo. But then again, 666 is also 6x111, so who knows what that means. I think the number eleven is also not so good, somethink like being this close to perfection but failing.
Wrecks City-Zen
20:41 / 25.04.02
Ah...the infamous number of the beast. In the bible it states, let he who has understanding count the number of the beast, for it is a number of a man, and it is 6 hundred 3 score and Six...

The devil card in the tarot is the 15th trump. 6+3+6=15

Ferris F. Freemont...GWB-666 ( Valis and Shrodinger's Cat repectively)
20:43 / 25.04.02
As far as anti-christs, there's at least 666 of 'em I'm sure. Here's a few:

Prince Charles:

Al Gore:

George Bush (gotta be!):

David Hasselhoff:
21:30 / 25.04.02
Wrecks City-Zen
21:56 / 25.04.02
—| x |—
21:57 / 25.04.02
Didn't Crowley adopt that number more out of a sense of sensationalism (or is that sinsationalism!?) as opposed to any significance it may have? I mean, he liked to play it up for the press and such, and perhaps this was merely another aspect of his own personal "smoke and mirrors" show.

Now I find this really interesting, J the zenarchist throws off:

6 x 111 = 666.

Now, 111 can be ain soph aur (excuse my spelling, if need be), which is one of the three veils that surround the otz chiim (tree of life), ya? In fact, I think it is the outer most veil. Now 6 can be the Lovers, ya? So what does the 6 x 111 construction imply in these terms?!? Interesting...

Moreover, 6 + 6 + 6 = 18, which can be the Moon, viz illusions. Is the Beast merely an illusion, the dark reflection of our own sun shiny face?

Numbers are fun to play with!

{0, 1, 2}
solid~liquid onwards
07:54 / 26.04.02

sure hes a little wimpy, but as far as royalty goes, hes ok. as well as being head of the church of england (or something like that) hes a closet spiritualist.

i like his dad even better, phil the greek (nazi), because like me he often says the wrong thing at the wrong time, which at my school im rather infamous for (irrataing femminists can be ammusing, but also painful)

ive also been accused of being the antichrist (jokingly by a friend) as i was born on friday the 13th and my parents were married on halloween.

as for david hasselhoff, mabye not, but he does have an evil twin brother...did anyone seethe nightrider movie?

im afraid this whole numerology thing is a bit like statistics to me (mabye tony blair will start to use it to prove were all happy under him)
09:46 / 26.04.02
To begin with, I'm not sure how valid it is to use gematria with any of the numerical references in Revelation, as it was written in Greek (most scholars refer to it as "barbaric Greek," even). There are a number of inherent dangers in a poor translation from any language into Hebrew (and vice versa), and while whoever wrote the book (opinions vary) may have Hebrew numerology as a starting point, I'm not sure how far we can map everything across between the two languages. But as I'm not sure that this thread is entirely an attempt to do that, here's a couple of interesting sites I found on the subject...

A few bits from a site focusing on gematria:

Meaning of Sav = sign, line, feature or note...

The Sav is a directional letter moving from the left to the right. The direction begins with man represented by the letter Vav and moves towards truth and perfection which represent Hashem {see Gematria discussion for the letter Vav}.

The Gematria construction of the Sav is a Vav = 6 plus a Vav = 6 plus a Vav = 6 for a total of 18, {see first blue box at top of page}. The Gematria of Chai, meaning "life / living" is 18, {see first yellow box at top of page}. Every life and the substance for every life is based upon Hashem's truth. All Creation is sustained and maintained by Hashem's truth. The first letter for the Hebrew word Torah begins with the letter Sav. The last letter for Emes, meaning truth, concludes with the letter Sav. The letter Sav is Hashem's seal. The Sav is Hashem's absolute guarantee that His agreement will be carried out to completion.

When Kayin murdered his brother Hevel, the Torah records that Hashem placed an Ohs, meaning sign, on Kayin's forehead. This Ohs, according to Nachlas Benjamin, was the letter Sav. The letter Sav {from right to left} Vav - Yod - Sav comes from the root Hey - Vav - Sav, meaning to place a mark or sign. It is the Sav that represents Hashem's sign or mark!

The basis for this comes from the following: "The sign {Sav} as a Divine judicial pronouncement was used when G-d decreed the destruction of Jerusalem and ordered the angel Gabriel - as seen in the vision by the Prophet Ezekiel (Ch. 9) - to put a {Sav} on the foreheads of the citizens of Jerusalem. {The Sav was used} to differentiate the righteous ones destined for life in the World to Come from the wicked who were doomed to perish in This World and in the next, ink and blood were used respectively. A {Sav} in ink was placed on the forehead of the righteous, denoting {the word [from right to left] Hey - Yod - Chess - Sav, 'Teech Yeh' meaning} you shall live; {see second blue box at top of page} and in blood {on the forehead} for the wicked, denoting {the word [from right to left] Sav - Vav - Mem - Sav, 'Taw Moos' meaning} you shall die" {see second yellow box at top of page} (Shabbos 55 a).

Hashem's seal has been understood in Judaism for thousands of years and since Creation as the Hebrew letter Sav. In Judaism we regard the Sav which is the Gematria total of Vav {6} plus Vav {6} plus Vav {6} equaling 18 to mean "LIFE". Christians / Messianics regard Hashem's seal with its Gematria construction of Vav {6} plus Vav {6} plus Vav {6} to be "666" which they claim to be "the mark of the Beast."

Now, in fact, the letter Sav does NOT represent the mark of the beast. The Sav represents the seal of Hashem the Creator. Hashem's seal is placed upon the forehead of the righteous IN INK representing "life in the World to Come" and Hashem's seal is placed upon the forehead of the wicked IN BLOOD meaning "you shall die in this life and in the next world." The righteous are sealed to life IN INK and the wicked are sealed to death IN BLOOD. The same seal is used.

Have a look at this site, which makes the point that the Pope is the antichrist(there's too much there to reprint on the Lith).
Old Wolf
12:38 / 26.04.02
As far as I am aware, in the book of revelations, it states that you shall know the anti-christ by certain signs and portents, which are covered in the book of revelations. I quote:-

13:11I saw another beast coming up out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke like a dragon. 13:12He exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence. He makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed. 13:13He performs great signs, even making fire come down out of the sky to the earth in the sight of people. 13:14He deceives my own people who dwell on the earth because of the signs he was granted to do in front of the beast; saying to those who dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast who had the sword wound and lived. 13:15It was given to him to give breath to it, to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause as many as wouldn't worship the image of the beast to be killed. 13:16He causes all, the small and the great, the rich and the poor, and the free and the slave, to be given marks on their right hands, or on their foreheads; 13:17and that no one would be able to buy or to sell, unless he has that mark, the name of the beast or the number of his name. 13:18Here is wisdom. He who has understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is six hundred sixty-six.

As far as Crowley is concerned. I'm sure all of us are aware of that man's love affair with the media. He was first and formost a sensationalist, and although he was also a scholarly man, and was incredibly well read, his ideas and their practical usage became twisted and corrupted. His taking of the number of the beast as his personal number, was, more than likely, simply more of the afformentioned showboating for the media!
Mr Tricks
18:42 / 26.04.02
Well speaking love affairs with the Media... can anyone think of an equivilant such "lover" for the media of this day & age?

This thred is growing quite nicely... would love to read more on that comment about the transition of languages as well...
Old Wolf
10:46 / 28.04.02
There are several people who court the media, but I can't off-hand think of any who use it for the purposes that Crowley and Alex Sanders did in this day and age.

Of course, you can't watch a programme on television about the craft it'self without at some moment or another seeing Professor Ronald Hutton's face come on the screne. Where he differs from Crowley and Sanders is that he promotes Paganism in a good and positive light. He is a very knowledgable man and I would reccomend watching any programme he gives his learned views upon!
18:05 / 29.04.02
I still like the interpretation that the mark and number of the beast is a bar code. Why? If 6 is Yod, 666 would look like ''' in print, or 3 scratches. Also, the chatacer used to begin, end, and mark the middle of a barcode contains the barcode for the number 6. So, every barcode actually includes 666 within it. Fits the bit about not being able to buy or sell without one, eh? Though granted, its an emperical interpretation of it all, but a fun one.
18:49 / 29.04.02
How's about the internet? Vav (English = W) is the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, so you get!
19:03 / 29.04.02
The only problem being that "WWW" is an English acronym.
19:59 / 29.04.02
But English is the universal language. If Revelation was written for the future (our present), and for the entire world to benefit from, why would God (or the sacred mushroom that may have spoke for "Him") puzzle us poor clueless bastards with a code only Jews would recognize?

I dunno, maybe you do have to be a biblical scholar to heed John's end time warnings, which would fit nicely with Jehovah's hierarchical style of spiritual mongering. I hope the clergy gets the message right, because all the rest of us poor working saps can do is follow their lead.
22:19 / 29.04.02
...english is the building blocks of our shared reality...

00:35 / 30.04.02
I found this recently. I find it quite interesting.

666 - the number of the beast, according to the christian book of Revelations. Number 3 - the holy trinity? In ancient times, the numbers 3 (trinity?) and 7(days of the week?) were thought rather special. Taken together as 37 and multiplied by any integer of 3 will always take you to a trinity number...

37 x 3 x 1 111
37 x 3 x 2 222
37 x 3 x 3 333
37 x 3 x 4 444
37 x 3 x 5 555
37 x 3 x 6 666
37 x 3 x 7 777
37 x 3 x 8 888
37 x 3 x 9 999

Another interesting fact is that if you add up all the numbers below 37 you arrive at... you got it... 666! eg 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 36 = 666

Hmmm, what the hell does it all mean!

—| x |—
01:51 / 01.05.02
Hey, what about hardcore porn!?



XXX = 666


Ah, the beast in us all, perhaps?!?


I love numbers: they mean whatever ya' want them to mean!

Simply {play} with 'em.

—| x |—
01:55 / 01.05.02
[pointless complaining]

Fuckin' not bein' able to edit my own damn posts; stupid looks good in the response box, but transfers to the board outta' wack; dumbass alphabet not linin' up with the shitpissin' numbers; damn moderatin' sumsitches...mumble-mumble.

[/pointless complaining]
Saint Keggers
03:41 / 01.05.02
According to the book "The Magian of the Golden Dawn", Crowely took the name The beast because it what his mother used to call when she was angry with him as a child.
04:55 / 01.05.02
A historical note that might put this in context. It isn't a problem. Just an observation.

The number zero was invented in AD 967. That would make anything but the simplest mathematics in ancient texts impossible. God, of course, who seems to be a wonderful mathematician but a lousy accountant, might be an exception.
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