once im done with school (3 weeks of schools, then 6 weeks of exam leave) i have 12 weeks before i go to university me and some friends are doing the cliched european travel thing...weve decided on a general route, but were all chosing one place to visit for a while..my catholic friend has chosen rome, my hippy freind amsterdam (we was gonna go there anyways) and the rest of us are undecided...i wanna go somewhere magicky or of magickal significance. I was thinking of alastair Crowley's house in italy (where he did loadsa weird shit)
any suggestions?...we all live in scotland...and were going fairly direct to the continent, so nothing on the GB isles... i might go up to orkney on me own and camp out in the middle of a stone circle for a few day...orkney's great, go there if yeh can...loadsa stone circles, burial tombs and the like, and they usually have few people there. |