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peacenik INVASION

autopilot disengaged
20:47 / 20.09.01
ok: my next best idea.

as any of you who have checked this out may be aware, there are many, many boards out there full of nothing more than unreconstructed small-minded reactionary hate right now. forums that exist pretty much exclusively so that people can swap their armchair attaks on the middle east.

what i thought was - anyone wanna stage a virtual happening?

i figure: what we do is, find a suitable arena (one that doesn't require registration etc) - and then, en masse, flood the board with pure peace and love.

obviously, we don't do this as barbelithians - nor would we act as apologists for the very real tragedy that was 9/11. it's more a case of derailing what is otherwise an online vendetta.

just a stupid idea i had...

anyone interested?
09:03 / 21.09.01
how about explainagists rather than apologists.

"Why did they do this to us?" - Really, REALLY gets on my tits.

A lot.
autopilot disengaged
09:05 / 21.09.01
that's definitely the gist: to contextualise, not to justify.

to challenge, not to preach.

to complicate, not to simplify.

you get the idea...

[ 21-09-2001: Message edited by: autopilot disengaged ]
Cherry Bomb
09:05 / 21.09.01
I love this idea, but how do we go about it, exactly?
Cherry Bomb
09:05 / 21.09.01
By the way, I had the crazy idea of just making a statement that said we are going to make the streets of countries safe from fear, but we would like to publicly forgive the people who brought this pain on our nation, and we'd also like to take this time to apologize for causing pain and suffering to other innocent people.

I knew it probably wouldn't fly, but I liked the idea anyway...
jUne, a sunshiny month
09:05 / 21.09.01
i like this idea too , CB.
go on for more like this, it's (once again) the shit we need, don't ya think ?i already see myself claiming that i work for the "my street is safe from fear, but i'm not in the states"...
seriously, i'm really afraid of the followings events.
if there's us attack, jihad will be launching some "i-die-for-my-god" once again,in return.
and everywhere they will find dome of those who helped/were ok with the states...
as france.
i saw around me anger and fear and sadness way back when they bombed the parisian subway. wasn't cool at all.
and here we are again.
but cherry is the one in the house, so i don't care about extremists anymore !
rizla mission
09:05 / 21.09.01
This is a good idea, though I'm not sure I'm eloquent enough to be any good at it.

Point the way..
We're The Great Old Ones Now
09:05 / 21.09.01
How about several million western peaceniks hop over to Afghanistan en masse with several million tonnes of aid and food and start just being really nice and polite?

About twenty million ought to do it.
autopilot disengaged
11:02 / 21.09.01
sarcasm is easy, nick. i'm not saying we're gonna save the world, here.

but i do think it would be worthwhile to drop a pebble into the shallows of the news forums - the ones i've visited consist almost entirely of what i would consider to be dangerous (albeit comforting to the average manichean westerner) misinterpretations of what's actually hapening.

is it worthwhile? will it make one single, solitary person rethink their attitudes?

there's only one way to find out.

watch this space.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
11:14 / 21.09.01
I wasn't being sarcastic.

I was responding to the title of this topic. It's what occurred to me when I read it.

Sorry if I spoiled your tiny and self-referential party. I'll be off.
autopilot disengaged
11:31 / 21.09.01
oh. sorry, nick. i guess all this war fever's got me a little jumpy.

but self-referential?

surely you cannot mean ME.
11:42 / 21.09.01
quote:Originally posted by Cherry Bomb:
By the way, I had the crazy idea of just making a statement that said we are going to make the streets of countries safe from fear, but we would like to publicly forgive the people who brought this pain on our nation, and we'd also like to take this time to apologize for causing pain and suffering to other innocent people.

That's beautiful, Cherry.

Oh - one of the things I like about Autopilot's contribution to the board is he refers to everyone - except himself. So... the opposite of self referential.

Give me the web time and place, my friend.
Ray Fawkes
13:09 / 21.09.01
quote:the ones i've visited consist almost entirely of what i would consider to be dangerous (albeit comforting to the average manichean westerner) misinterpretations of what's actually hapening.

is it worthwhile? will it make one single, solitary person rethink their attitudes?

Ah...let me be the one to say this: what makes you think your interpretation of "what's actually happening" is any less dangerous? Solely because it's your view?

Anyway, don't want to rot the thread. If you want to do this, you should - there's nothing wrong with getting people to analyse their own attitudes and assumptions. I will tell you, though, that you should expect just about as much popular success there as those of us who support American military response are having here.
autopilot disengaged
13:44 / 21.09.01
fair point, ray - but my interpretation doesn't come with cruise missiles...

and, yeah: i know we don't know that Bush is going to do that either, but - oh...i don't know. i just wanna make people take a moment to at least consider another viewpoint before jumping straight back in to more war, more suffering.

but, yeah, i'm expecting to be flamed till crispy.
autopilot disengaged
14:51 / 21.09.01
and riz: it's not really about eloquence - i don't think we'll get the chance, and even if we did i don't think anyone would bother reading it.

the best tactics as i see it would be:
1. engaging individual posters in dialogue.
2. cut'n'posting quotes, slogans etc.
3. dropping embedded links in their laps.

again: no mention of barbelith - we don't want them coming across here and buggering everything up on the home front, as it were.

i'll do some recon...
Ray Fawkes
15:04 / 21.09.01
autopilot: it's a noble idea, and would be an able demonstration of one of the greatest strengths of the self-styled "free world" - the freedom to express dissent. I say go for it.

As to what your interpretation does or doesn't come with - that's fodder for another discussion. I don't want to shoot holes here, since that would imply opposition to the intent of this thread.
15:12 / 21.09.01
autopilot, let's do it. Just name a few fora and I'll be promptly flooding them.
autopilot disengaged
15:14 / 21.09.01
thanx ray, you're a stand-up guy. (aside: 'spookshow', eh? hmmm... may have to check that out...)
Kobol Strom
15:23 / 21.09.01
In Scotland,a few years back when we protested against the MOD,they used the gathering of demonstrators in Glasgow Town centre as a smokescreen to ship more hardware into their Bases.
Despite this and other possible effects,I think we should get our Peace Loving asses to a few Demos,and pronto.I 'l like to know whats up with this.Berkeley,Wisconsin,and other US colleges have demos at the moment,and theres one organised for September the 30th over there.I wonder if Britain has anything planned...
Mr Tricks
17:42 / 21.09.01
you know...

Several threds have been bubbling with ideas about doing SOMETHING...

here's one that was originally started here.

There's probably others...


Planet B
18:21 / 21.09.01
Yeah, let's do it!

Set a time and a place.
18:21 / 21.09.01
As a veteran of the Habbo Hotel anti-globalization demonstrations, I stand ready to debate a little bit (albeit as tersely as usual). If'n you need the backup.
autopilot disengaged
07:36 / 22.09.01
yeah! we have to hit HabboHotel at least once - that'll be brilliant: " parents are completely lying to you. WTF? lol..."

the idea of little munchkins marching about the place spouting socio-political commentary. while dancing. *sublime*

ok: how does anyone feel about sunday nite? we can tinker with times to overlap the UK/US contingent as much as possible, i guess...
07:53 / 22.09.01
Top idea. Count me in.
rizla mission
17:02 / 22.09.01
quote:Originally posted by grantb:
[QB]As a veteran of the Habbo Hotel anti-globalization demonstrations, [QB]

yes, lordy, that was fun.
17:24 / 22.09.01
quote:Originally posted by autopilot disengaged:

ok: how does anyone feel about sunday nite? we can tinker with times to overlap the UK/US contingent as much as possible, i guess...

YES. we need to decide place/time/etc. cos Sunday night grows ever nearer.

I would offer suggestions but I don't really know any scary gung-ho boards (having only been online for about three weeks).
Am well able to give peacenik rants to rednecks, though, and to (hate to use the word, 'cos it's a Moonie thang, and they be scary) "Lovebomb" said gung-ho war-fanatics. I've done it enough times in real life, virtual peaceniking shouldn't cause too much of a problem.
All goes back to- WHEN/WHERE. Someone who "knows the territory" has to give us a target site. And a time.
And then-
autopilot disengaged
18:28 / 22.09.01
ok: i'm on the case - but it'd be handy if others could have a scout around too. it might be worth beginning with HabboHotel - since there seems to be past form there...

one thing to note is you may well want to set up a dummy email address with someone or other since a lot of these sites require one as a show of faith.

it'd be good to hit whatever the online equivelant to The Sun (populist british paper) is - but they don't seem to have one. anyone got alternatives? i think we may as well target sites that have a sizable audience...

one that is just asking for it is

but it's best to build up to that one...
autopilot disengaged
18:34 / 22.09.01
i'm about to get drunk.

initial plan - HabboHotel, tomorrow nite from, say 2300 GMT?

i don't know how realistic this is...i suppose this first fling doesn't have to be a big deal - a dry run, whatever. anyone that is planning on attending should post up their HabboHotel ID. and we'll go from there.

mine is 'grrski'.
08:41 / 23.09.01
Good luck with this righteous endeavour. Unfortunately I will be at work at this hour, but look forward to the 'discussions'.
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