From Todd's Livejournal:
From a New York Times on the weed killer atrazine producing female frogs with six testicles and whatnot:
"I'm not saying it's safe for humans," said Dr. Tyrone Hayes, the lead researcher on the study. "I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is that it makes hermaphrodites of frogs."
That's a new game: Come up with quote following this structure "I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is__________."
My Offering:
"I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is you'd better not put it in your chocolate milk."
This is cool...bring it on!
My turn:
""I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is that is caused our test monkey's legs to mirror the motions of their jaws." |