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All I'm Saying Is...


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Matthew Fluxington
18:26 / 19.04.02
From Todd's Livejournal:

From a New York Times on the weed killer atrazine producing female frogs with six testicles and whatnot:

"I'm not saying it's safe for humans," said Dr. Tyrone Hayes, the lead researcher on the study. "I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is that it makes hermaphrodites of frogs."

That's a new game: Come up with quote following this structure "I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is__________."

My Offering:
"I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is you'd better not put it in your chocolate milk."

This is cool...bring it on!

My turn:

""I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is that is caused our test monkey's legs to mirror the motions of their jaws."
18:38 / 19.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is that we haven't actually found all of the person we tested it on yet.
Not Here Still
18:44 / 19.04.02
"I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is ribbit, and I don't know why."
Captain Zoom
18:45 / 19.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is I've ingested it and nothing's happe

18:48 / 19.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is that you should keep your flesh-eating battery-powered dwarf zombie in it's cage after dark.
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
18:50 / 19.04.02
"I'm not saying it's safe for humans. I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is that it's unsafe for humans. ...Ah, fuck."
18:51 / 19.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is "boomshokaloka"!
Our Lady of The Two Towers
19:02 / 19.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is that I couldn't possibly comment.
19:53 / 19.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is give peace a chance.
The Apple-Picker
20:26 / 19.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is I don't know how to follow that.
20:34 / 19.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is...hey look behind you! A three-headed monkey!
wembley can change in 28 days
20:37 / 19.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is the US military is interested. Very interested.
Spatula Clarke
20:43 / 19.04.02
"I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is just think how cool a six-testicled human would be."
21:51 / 19.04.02
"I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is be prepared to start sewing yourself a superhero costume."

Murray Hamhandler
00:30 / 20.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is that the monkeys really didn't seem to mind it that much.
Arthur Sudnam, II
00:33 / 20.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is you won't catch me using it.
Saint Keggers
03:00 / 20.04.02
"I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is 8 out of 10 dentist recommend it. The other two just...exploded...but we're sure its not related.
03:27 / 20.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is have you ever seen Hell Comes to Frogtown?
Margin Walker
08:36 / 20.04.02
"I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is we have the potential to expose our progeny to alot more gender options."
Our Lady of The Two Towers
09:12 / 20.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is NEEEEEOOOOOOO! NEEEEEEOOOOOOO! BLAGO BUNG, BLAGO BUNG, BOSSA FATAKA! WHIPPY-WHIPPY-WHIPPY KA-FLOong! Nibble Pibble.
09:28 / 20.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is... umm... I could have SWORN I left it round here somewhere...
10:23 / 20.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is the poor have got to be fed, right?
Spatula Clarke
15:48 / 20.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is leave $1,000,000,000,000 in the bin outside the King's Head at 1700hrs.
The Apple-Picker
16:39 / 20.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is that the white catsuit isn't doing you any favors, honey.
02:15 / 21.04.02
"I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is that twenty-six of the people who touched the damn thing melted into puddles of blood while another two became leaders of militaristic, world-spanning empires."
Saint Keggers
03:28 / 21.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is that im undecided.
07:02 / 21.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is IT is HUMANITY, Mr. Rappenifort.
Baz Auckland
07:34 / 21.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is that the Florida Keys are lovely this time of year and maybe we should get out of the city for awhile...
07:38 / 21.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is that I CAN"T HEAR YOU! NANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANAhaven't you gone yet?NANANANANANANANA!!!!
09:16 / 21.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is I'm iggying it, alright?
11:31 / 21.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is Soylent green is made of people! You've got to tell them! Soylent green is people!
12:22 / 21.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is get it the fuck off my lawn.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
13:16 / 21.04.02
“I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is it made the test animals turn inside out and beg us to kill them in very deep voices.

“I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is McDonalds will probably be using it for their secret sauce in a few weeks.”

“I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is Pam Andersen tested positive for it and blames it on Tommy Lee.”

“I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying isit caused the test subjects to catch on fire in an odd coincidence.”
The Return Of Rothkoid
13:38 / 21.04.02
"I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is that you should ding a ding dang your dang a long ling long."

"I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is that bunkers are the way of the future. Underground bunkers. Got it?"

"I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is that we've got to do some more research... prison style!"
Less searchable M0rd4nt
17:49 / 21.04.02
I'm not saying it's safe for humans; I'm not saying it's unsafe for humans. All I'm saying is that I put some in your beer half an hour ago and you should be coming up on it right about

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