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Paean to men who post about how much they like clitorides. And vaginas. Yeah.

14:51 / 19.04.02
O Apollo.
You who are the healer.
Come to us,
We who know so little of the clitoris.
We who merely sustain it for the amusement of others.
We who are but women.
Come to us,
Delian Apollo, worker from afar.
Validate our nervous maintenance.
And touch our clits.
With your claw.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
17:46 / 19.04.02

Tres drole.
18:15 / 19.04.02
So clitorides is the plural for clitoris. I did not know that.

Why did you choose to dedicate your paean to Apollo instead of Pan or Dionysos? Or indeed Aphrodite? (just curious.)
18:19 / 19.04.02
Oh, because a paian is technically a hymn to Apollo. Paia was one of his cult titles.

And because, realistically, we were going to need a male god to cover the experience of a thread on clitorides (or clitorises, I guess would be the Anglicised version) being filled up with men saying how much they liked clitorises and telling the nice ladies what they are.
Not Here Still
18:35 / 19.04.02
That thread looks 50/50 male/female to me at the moment, Haus...
19:49 / 19.04.02
10 posts from male-idenitified suits, 7 posts from female-identified suits, 3 indeterminate, I think, NMA. But that's not purely where the joke lies. I think it's one of those ones that you either get or don't get.
23:00 / 19.04.02
Could you put your Paia-ness in my ear?
Cat Chant
08:19 / 20.04.02
vaginae, surely, Lord Peter?

or are you using the accusative? Cos I think you're on dodgy ground there.

(Ganesh, I love you.)
10:21 / 20.04.02
I fear you are mistaking me for my insipid cousin...

Well, "how much they like vaginas" would be the sense, so "quantum vaginas ament (subjunctive in same tense for indirect questions occuring in the present?), although in this case the long final syllable would be a bit disconcerting...I think the lesson is Ogden Nash's - "the plural's what one damn well pleases".
10:26 / 20.04.02
Shurely "what more than one damn well pleases"?
priya narma
16:10 / 22.04.02
Thread rot surely...BUT...

Thanks Haus for helping me out with this sunday's NYT crossword puzzle. One of the clues: Song to Apollo

21:19 / 07.04.05
What on earth was this all about. THere's some very weird shit down in the bottom of the box.
21:29 / 07.04.05
Might have something to do with this.
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