a friend of mine insists that stephen king is homophobic, due to numerous references to faggots and suchlike in his stories. i disagree (although it's been a while since i read king and need to have another look) - king often writes about 'good ol' boys', 'rednecks' and suchlike - small town americans who can extremely right wing. it is entirely in tune with the character for them to talk that way.
i once had a story rejected by a horror magazine for containing 'too much graphic sex and horror'. it contained some fairly graphic lesbian sex, which was necessary to understand a couple of the characters. the next mag i sent it to snapped the story up, at the same time stating their policy was that, as long as there was a reason for it to be there, they were happy to accept sexual content.
i think it's usually fairly apparent where writers/artists etc are coming from on this. the time out interview with crime novellist james ellroy included a highly sexualised photo of a woman, apparently dead in a bath, with ellroy sitting next to it, calmly taking notes. it pissed me off, big time, and i have never had any interest in reading his books since.
so perhaps it's a personal morality thing. but if someone continually refers to black people as 'niggers', or women as 'cunts' or 'bitches' or has them being brutally and titillatingly murdered in their texts, you can usually tell that that's the language/vision they personally like to use/endorse. |