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pacha perplexa
09:36 / 17.04.02
First of all, how do you spell that?

Second: what are the mechanisms that trigger a physical reaction to something mental/ psychological? Is this the right definition of psychosomatics?

Third: I'm asking this because of this scary pain I've been having since I was a child, which happens from two to four times a year.

It starts in my sleep, when I'm on a bad/unpleasant dream (eg.: running away from reanimated cadavers in my granma's house, having a terrible discussion with someone I love, being raped, falling in spikes, etc.) At a certain point (usually related to some climax in the dream), I begin to feel a "hand" clutching and twitching the muscles on my back or tickling it in a very brutal way. When it gets unbearable, I wake up.

Sometimes the pain comes along with sleep paralisys - so I wake up and can't move at all, while still feeling it. It's terrifying.

The eeeeky thing is that after I wake up completely (sweating, heartbeats at a very high rate) I feel my back sore in that spot (usually in the middle of my spine). It goes away after some minutes, though.

Yes, I've checked myself for any marks in front of the mirror, but there's invariably nothing.

Any theories? Is this related to psychosomatics?
Or should I take this to the "Magick" and get exorcized?
09:56 / 17.04.02
It might be a problem with your back, maybe a bit of a trapped nerve or something like that playing up when you lie in bed in a certain way and your brain adds this to the dream, I've had lots of dreams when I've punched on the nose and wake up with a sore nose, I think this is happening because I keep hitting my own nose when I sleep....

The magick might help, or at least if you read about lucid dreaming. Keep telling yourself that if your at your granmas house your dreaming and you might be able to turn your dream into something nicer....

sorry I can't help much more bit busy....

try -
captain piss
10:46 / 17.04.02
I think the exact mechanism for how body affects mind and vice-versa isn't fully understood. There's obviously some interaction between lower brain areas like the hypothalamus - which control body functions, heartbeat etc - and the cerebral cortex or more conscious, reasoning parts. Otherwise, how would yogis be able to alter their body temperature and heartbeat in very specific ways just by thinking about it. There's also all the cases of spontaneous remission to consider, where patients unexplainably recover from terminal or serious illnesses following dramatic religious conversion, falling in love or other emotionally-charged 'healing' events.
More intriguingly, but still off-the-point a bit, I've read about cases where peopple with multiple personality disorder underwent physiological changes when transitioning between personalities - one personality is allergic to citrus but the other isn't and that kind of thing.

But back to practical suggestions for your weird sleep thing - could be, as Bear says, a physiological thing, like bad posture (?), affecting you mentally. I read somewhere - think it was one of Barefoot Doctor's books - that sleeping on your left side can give you nightmares as the blood is being pushed into your heart chamber causing discomfort. You should sleep on the right, he says, because then blood goes more into the liver where it gets cleaned. Oddly enough- I have noticed, on waking from a nightmare, that I'm sleeping on my left side. But there we are.

Maybe some kind of shamanic journeying-type exercise, where you go back to the scenario of the dream while journeying, and ask questions of the participants, would uncover some worthwhile information about what's going on. I've read of such things anyway- haven't had much success with journeying meself.
12:26 / 17.04.02
i think you should also examine other factors that might contribute to this. sharp pains, especially ones in the back/shoulder area are often related to stress. our minds have an amazing ability to refocus our attention by fucking up something else. i should know, as i've suffered from this for most of my life. bear also has some really good suggestions. if this pain is too frequent or unbearable, certain physicians can discover if you've got a pinched nerve etc (i suggest medical inquiry only if this is a persistant and unsolvable problem). along with lucid dreaming, try meditation. it can relieve stress and may help do away with those dreams.
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