Ok, some more thoughts RE the invisibles alleged sexist/racist/homophobic-ness –
After reacquainting myself a bit with invisibles lore, I honestly think the only one you’ve got a case with is sexism (more on this later).
Sure, you can say the black characters are a little cliched (but then, isn’t pretty much every invisibles character is a variation on some recognisable stereotype? due to the speed & focus of the narrative, few of the characters have any depth) and that some unpleasant things happen to the transsexual character. But arguing from the other side, aren’t these details relatively insignificant in judging the comic’s political intention, when one considers that a) it featured a story in which a group of racist company execs are violently tortured and killed as revenge for zombifying/controlling/killing black kids and b)it featured pretty favourable portrayals of gay/trans/fetish subcultures – more than can be said for just about any other mainstream comic and c) at various points in the story Fanny humiliates and sees off a pair of yobbos in a sex shop, a homophobic cowboy etc.
Pretty clear messages there I think, even if the characterisation leaves something to be desired.
Regarding sexism accusations, I think there may be something in it .. I was never entirely comfortable with the complete change of shape, role and personality Robin underwent between volumes 1 & 2, but then, as his various ramblings make clear, Grant Morrison is very big on free love, orgone energy, carnal fun and so forth, and, as a heterosexual male, would probably argue that filling his comic with sexy girls was a harmless, positive act. Whether you agree or not probably depends on your stance regarding the old ‘porn: brilliant or exploitative?’ argument, but it’s certainly a little questionable.. |