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Bin Laden 'Operatives' linked to Attack

Ethan Hawke
12:46 / 18.09.01
quote:Two of the suspected hijackers, Ahmed
Alghamdi and Satam al-Suqami, have been identified by federal agents as being tied to a former Boston cab driver who is now on trial as a suspected ringleader of the millennium bomb plot, which was foiled by the Jordanian authorities.

President Bush and other officials have described Mr. bin Laden as the prime suspect in last week's attacks, but the link between the hijackers and the former cab driver, Raed M. Hijazi, is among the first specific pieces of evidence that connect the hijackers to important associates of Mr. bin Laden.

It is also one of the first indications that the hijackers might have been linked to operatives of Mr. bin Laden who were previously known by the authorities to be living in the United States.

Federal officials would not discuss the nature of the ties between the hijackers and Mr. Hijazi, other than to say that all three of them shared a relationship with a suspected operative for Mr. bin Laden who also lived for a time in the Boston area.

full text here

Pretty vague so far, but how much can you expect the gov't to compromise an ongoing investigation?
13:10 / 18.09.01
Lots of 'suspected's there, but at least we're hearing something now.
Ethan Hawke
13:13 / 18.09.01
I think the article would have been a lot clearer if it had included a flow chart or something, instead of just the new party game "Six Degrees of Osama".
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