Hello to all residents of The Barb. It's your loyal happy friend Rage!
Ok, so Nick was right about how I'd dance back on in here, and while I do see this second coming of Rage as a betrayal to my anarchistic principles of message board freedom, I also see my return as an opportunity to attempt some kind of gathering.
In two weeks I'm gonna be in New York, and I know a lot of you whack wizards are in that location. When Rizla told me that there were New York people on here who went around with sheets on their heads reciting absurdist poetry I knew I mean absolutely knew that I would have to post in The Gathering if nowhere else.
And while I probably won't be posting much in these other forums due to reasons of time lack and feelings of inferiority. ("like, maybe I'm really one of them") I will return to my original purpose. I will return to why I came here in the first place.
When I came here a year ago, nowhere near as evolved (and I seriously wonder just exactly how many times the word "evolved" has been used here) as I am now. (and I really should get some type of "fastest evolution" award) my only intention was to meet up with some people I would enjoy conversing with. I had no idea I would get suckered into this whole mess, let alone read any sort of comic book.
I now return to The Barb with my original purpose.
I'm thinking of throwing some type of house warming party, and I herby invite you all to come over and hang out with The Rage at her new pad, whenever I'm settled in it, wherever it might be. (I'm actually still looking for roommates in the Manhattan area, so email or PM me if you have an extra room) When I'm comfortably settled I'll let you guys know of a date and a location.
While I realize that several of you- namely Haus and Koid- see me as some underlinged cretin of the new generation; some arch nemesis of Provocative Thought, (well actually, I think Koid just sees me as himayearago, and is on some type of deconstruction-of-past-self trip, though my guesses twoard his pathology could be utter cow dung) I also realize that those participating in this train of thought are mostly Ukers who aren't gonna be around for this fun fest anyway. Wankers! 
Irrelevancy Avenue:
Flux, thank you for getting me into The Walkmen. They rule. I just ordered their new album. Please do inform me of the next show so I can eagerly attend.
A more highly evolved (2143 times, maybe?) level of Irrelevancy Avenue: (at least Flux is a NY person)
I want to give shout outs to PinLand, Bitchiekittie, SolitareRose, Grant, Rizla, Ganesh, Bio K9 The Judgmental Jigger, Mordant Carnival (especially Mordant Carnival- who is my first role model ever- and believe me, up until now I have been extremely anti-role-model) and Impulsivelad, the only barb person I've ever met IRL, who I made a total fool of myself myself in front of at Pembroke Mall. (Do not go there. Ever. You have been warned.) In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if his train of thought in regarding to Ragel Hinewater was choo-chooing on the same tracks and Haus and Koid's. I still remember asking Impulsivelad questions to the effect of "Are The Invisibles real?" and attempting to con some food court Subway employee into hooking me up with a free meal while incorporating hidden social commentary into my attempt. I felt I was killing two birds with one stone, trying for a free meal and showing Impulsivelad how down I was at the same time. Incidentally, I never got the free meal.
(If only my short term memory was this good.)
Those were the days. The days when I still gave a shit about what others thought of me no matter how hard I denied this. The days when I failed to realize that most chaos magicians wouldn't be too impressed with my keen observations on the drone-like qualities of Subway employees. When you're 18 years old, a year ago seems like ages ago.
Dude, my eyes are open now. The anger is gone. Should I get a new fictionsuit? I'm no longer on some desperate longing quest to meet people of my species. (remember my controversial "please email me- I need help!post?) It's been quite a ride. Please exit the vehicle carefully and take all small children by the hands. (save your parody parenthesis fueld post for the not-so-clever-anymore-barn; this way of posting is my new thing and will surly be passe for me in a week or so)
That is all. Please don't ban me, Tom. J/K. You know I love you for the creation of this place alone. How can I not? |