I think different blogging clients encourage different blogs. For instance, Livejournal, which I use, is really designed for multiple short entries. Most of the members watch you through their "friends pages", which compile lots of entries from different people into one display; writing things longer than a few paragraphs is considered close to wrecking, though you can put "read more" links in.
Diaryland, on the other hand, from what I've seen, is much better suited to longer entries, mini-essays. I think Blogger is between the two, though it's open-ended enough that you can use it for pretty much anything.
LJ is actually quite annoying like that and I've been experimenting with Moveable Type to use for more extended pieces of writing. As well as being better for larger pieces, offering archives for individual entries as well as by date or by category, it's also not dependent on the LJ servers being up, just your own site.
It also incorporates both comment and the groovy "trackback" feature, which means that if people refer to your articles it pings you back and you can generate a list of links from your blog to other entries that refer to you. If you see what I mean. I understand this has been implemented in Blogger as well, but it's native to MT.
I shall keep the LJ account if I decide to do that, because it is perfect for entering short, random journal-type thoughts (as the name implies) and stupid links. The comment feature is also the best I've seen - threaded, auto-informing - and if you combine that with the communities that are available, it's like being on multiple easy-to-use discussion boards at once for all sorts of interests, from fetish to linux. If there's a difference. |