quote: Two Red Bulls and double vodkas please.
That's £2.50 please.
quote:A pint of Carling and Red Bull, please mate.
That's £3.25 cheers.
quote:absinthe, please.
quote: Two pints of Grolsh and some fifties for the tables please.
quote: a manhattan.
£6.00 please my lamb.
quote: I'm with alas on the Absinthe tip, thanks.
I take sugar with mine.
£4.00 my friend.
quote:Gin. Gin's fun.
sorry no gin, can i get you something else?
quote:Water, please.
Hey buddy we only serve the hard stuff here, so what do you want?
quote:scotch and coke, as in cocaine, thank you.
I can do the drink but drugs aren't cool. Life, liquor & good coversation is the only thing we're getting high on in old Mick Stevens bar. Okey Coke! 
quote: hazelnut 'milk', please.
Do you want a short in that, chuck?
quote: Just a buncha booze, please, barkeep.
Y'know, ma woman done did me wrong.
Y'know, you're the best goddamn barman there is, Lloyd...
That i can do.
Sorry bout your little lady, but shit women are the devils liquor here to tempt us. No offence ladies, your just to goddam hot to touch!
Oh the name's Mick Stevens bud.
quote: Vodka. In a glass. A big glass.
that's £325 son.
quote: water, a slice of lime and lots of ice, preferrably crushed, please
.....and a looong, lingering stare
into my eyes, perve
Just booze lady just booze.
Who's for another round? |